Have a few more players in guild and they are all working on getting Castle Never ready. The goal is 1 more week till we start doing only CN runs and making that bank. Could always use a few more bodies to do an alternative run.
<Zombie Teddy Bears> on [Dragon] shard wants you. We are a new guild so few members but I am good at my job and that is recruiting for a high end raiding team. We are originally from World of Warcraft (of which we still play and at a high level) and since we clear content so fast we need something to do with all of our…
I am looking to put together a quality group of high end raiders together. My guild is currently very slow in the leveling process and focusing a bit more on finishing off this tier in WoW which shouldnt be more than 1.5 more weeks max and then there will be about 8 of us grinding out castle never. We are all between the…
Join the Channel called NWOTrade It was a channel made for people that actually want to trade stuff and it will only grow bigger from people passing on the name of it to others.