Hard choice- they all look fun, and I'll have to try them all to find my favorite! However, I'm probably leaning towards Control Wizard- I enjoy playing crowd control, but it seems like many MMO's tend to neglect it as a role.
I'd rather have the classes be more flexible first. As far as I know though, we know nothing about Paragon Paths besides the fact they exist- so we may already have that. Right now I really want more info on that!
I don't really know much about 4th edition lore, but they sound pretty good from the descriptions in this thread. I'd like to see more races anyways, and they're certainly easier to add than classes. But with the Chinese site out now, it looks like we already know all of the launch races- Humans, Half Elves, Elves,…
So, it looks like the Player's Handbook 1 classes will be first. So, the first 3 post-release classes will be from there, with one more coming before. After that, the next class will probably be Druid or Invoker, to fill the gap with Wizard as the only Controller. And this is all assuming they only make one path for each…
Ah, I see. But still, with just one not shown, that leaves one build for each class (I guess 2 for Rogue, since Cutthroat Rogues were mentioned before). And are they chosen at creation, or do you just make, for example, a Rogue; then later choose between Trickster and Cutthroat? Sorry, until a few days ago I wasn't really…
So, wait, are all of the places on the map supposed to appear in game, or is that just showing the region around Neverwinter? Looking at it, the first seems to fit better, but then we'd be jumping from having just Neverwinter and it's outskirts to suddenly having Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Amn, and a whole lot more! That…