I like to create everything from scratch so I don't use many premade maps. Its quite tough at times to create something unique with the choices given. I got bored with how limited our options were that I quit this game for months hoping you would fix it. You have given us a very simple tool to create with and I love it and…
From what I can tell he took offense to you vainly invoking the name of the *NEW LORD ALMIGHTY GOD* - (formerly known as Fox News)- and saying anything it proclaims could be less than 100% truth. I live in the south I see it a lot. *TO BE CLEAR I'M NOT A FAN OF MSNBC OR CNN EITHER I PERSONALLY HATE 24 HR NEWS AND THINK ITS…
I'm usually pretty good at being a "let everyone have their own opinions" type of guy but you make me want to punch you in the throat. I realize you used the words "most likely" but seriously you have to open up your mind a little bit past what you hear on Fox "News" and KKK_R_ Awsum.com. YOU ARE 100% WRONG. I agree with…
I'm pretty much positive you either- a: have no clue what that word means. b: have never met an "aspie" and thus have no clue what that word means. c: have met one and are not terrible perceptive. Other than the minor annoyances of your word choices I tend to agree with you. There are some "buts" though. And said "buts"…