My only issue is after learning to play my character for a year and enjoying it, whose idea was it to start making players CHANGE the way they play? Thats like making Tony hawk players switch from skateboards to bikes, why would you do that? Why keep making players ADJUST the way they spec or play? We like the game, we…
Me too but it went away now just crashes without that box LMAO , they won't even address it and support told me it was a DEV issue, that is after I waited for a month...yes A MONTH for an answer. Nothing mentioned in the patch notes about either but ooohhh there is something new to buy!
Are you saying you are getting blue gear drops from mobs? I used to get them all the time, since mod 6 NOT ONE SINGLE BLUE GEAR DROP. And you dont think they changed anything?
Your math is right,sort of they don't add up BUT and here is where you have to understand probability, yes it is possible to fail 75 times with a 5% chance BUT the odds of that occurring are astronomical, like 1 in a billion
Thats just how i feel, I read most posts and start to reply and just sigh and think why bother no one at cryptic ever listens, they have their little ideas on how to make money and they don't care what we think or want. Mod 6 was the last straw, I'm just doing my profs and invokes and waiting hoping someone at cryptic will…
This is all the fault of cryptic's mod 6, I don't know whether the guys that got fired saw it coming and tried to screw cryptic or whether Cryptic is just stupid. They they have just about made it impossible to advance to epic gear, no blue gear drops, Can't run a 1600 item lvl dungeon with 2500 Ilvl, it's just ridiculous.…
Not sure if this is relevant but anytime I'm having server not responding or rubber banding, I check the ping/hops and it is always at the Cogent hops that are a problem. long long hops or no connection at all, so yes I think cogent is a big part of the problem but not all
I think his point is why did they take something we have been playing for enjoyment the way we LIKE to play and then make it into something we HAVE to change the way we play just to play the stuff we were enjoying. It's just stupid. It's like enjoying horseback riding and then some one says " hey you can still ride but you…
Lust leaving out any information about what you're supposed to do in a quest is NOT the way, nor does it make it interesting, it makes it a pain in the a s s
Thank you I did not notice this setting and I have changed it so hopefully I will get the "fix" this time. I have to agree every single player could see this "exlpoit" coming. And as I continue to see posts and notices about these types of things you guys should have known as well unless you just started working there and…
I'd just be happy if they'd fix the continuous crashing and give me my sound back, My files been force verified so many times they called the domestic abuse hotline LOL
I have played for awhile now before I posted this, lvl 65 now, 5 companions to 35, up to fiery pit. I had no idea the venom my post would generate, you are a hateful little bunch aren't you? I'm having fun so my opinion is invalid LOL. I would say that all the maps to well of dragons Heroic events, dragon heralds, tyranny…