fix cradle , we know we are testers for the playstation version but at least get your feedback and fix em.cradle is nice but sadly we dont all live next to your servers so consider some lag we experience. Also i dont see a pay to win option in cradle and i am scared, wheres the zen thingy that will ancor me ???
If i wasn't sure that no one from cryptic (one that counts anyway) bothers to read the forums, i would say that my esva droprate is a punishment for my comments . 37 chests and still no orange mark of any kind :) ah yes...the refreshing neverwinter algorithm: Enter -> player opens chest -> is this guy over 50 runs yet? No…
its in the preview server :) there is a mirror server where you can copy your character and test upcoming things this test / mirror server has things that will come/change and its not about the weapons that have same stats in mod 11, its about the marks from the failed voniblood / marks esva grind system. If you support…
Jarl's Gaze gives +10 IL compared to the depleted vivified head (do you feel like farming voniblood since you need a lot for campaign boons? hehe). It gives +1,8 power to my character when in everfrost map (thats a lot of power). The point is how easy you get it compared to vivified head. Remember you had to get the new…
They have already replaced the vivified head with Jarl's Gaze. Its almost free compared to vivified head, gives +10 IL and +1,8k power (at least at my character). An obsoleted vivified head in the same mod..well done :pensive: They WILL make obsolete everything from this godforsaken 10.5 , all this because no one listened…
hi @cscriv79 Neverwinter is currently at mod 10 (or 10.5 as many consider). This 10 mod has 1 offhand and 1 main hand that you need many esva runs and many keys (500 esva runs and 30m approximately in zen/reputation keys). We use the world approximately when the factors are unknown and you have the random generated drops.…
no, the esva runs and the zen keys cryptic. that is wrong link cryptic. i talk about the 10.5 mod weapons craptic. the craptic ( obsoleted at mod 11 weapons) cryptic.
dear cryptic please tell me how many esva runs and how many zens i have to spend for 2 weapons. Yes i ask about the weapons you plan to make obsolete in next mod. We run this esva and no orange marks.Some say its one random orange mark every 10-15 chests.i say every 20 chests.DO YOU EVEN PLAY THE GAME? stop making…
dear cryptic please tell me how many esva runs and how many zens i have to spend for the supposedly BiS mod10.5 two weapons esva marks should be able to : unbound so you can trade and/or 2.get a vendor so you can trade lower marks for the orange marks and/or able to open esva chests not only with zen/rep keys…
AC DC Virtuous+Righteous max power+rec with bondings is a solution to a deeper problem. At least dc's are back in the game. Also we talk about the bad dc like its a 2 hours job to get a lvl 70 dc and spamm AA.No you need ad and time invested. Yes for 2 years i was divine and changed it to ac after the fing FBI and sva. The…
As you can see this discussion is not only about next mod weapons, its about a game with no dungeons and (some ) dragons , a game with tons of grinding (many times for no purpose like the TESTING weapons case you mention) and the beautiful rng that runs every aspect of this game and is loved by every player. If you are one…
YES because they didn't already semi-obsoleted the super wow 150 il vivified set with new 150 IL drops.In the same mod after how long?2 months? But i am still misinformed i guess They just trying to get the vonigate behind.
thank you guys :) now i rest assured that they have everything under control. i will continue opening one chest per day with quest reputation until i get randomly my 30 orange marks (around mod 28). There is nothing better than maximizing your grinding pleasure so on Saturdays while i do BHEs for an extra chest chance, ill…
you get 3 boxes at the end of esva. you either: Wait 1 day for the brothers rep for one box, fish your guts out for next rep and run heroics for third rep OR get zen keys. you find group and run esva. esva is nice i like it, good mechanics. you open chests with either reputation point of zen keys you get a big orange…