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  • Again here http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?265032-Two-Words-Charge-Back/page2 The information posted maybe true for US, it is not valid for EU. However, notice to PW is required. E-Mail or fax is sufficient.
  • Well based on the record of PW - since they never done a char wipe in/after open beta - waht is more likely to happen: 1. Char wipe 2. No wipe Of course anything can happen. Maybe tomorrow the world blows up! The end is near! Based on the available data the most likely event will be that: No char wipe. End of submission.
  • It has already been announced and again very recently confirmed that there will be no char wipe. Please see: https://twitter.com/NeverwinterGame 11. May 2013: Derek Cope ‏@ddc1225 11 Mai @NeverwinterGame will there be a wipe after open beta? will items purchased with zen disappear after the wipe? Neverwinter…
  • So very false. Read once again the concerned posts, pay attention to key words such as "server cluster"....
  • And this has what exactly to do with the fact that downtime is during prime time in Neverwinter? Btw. in Europe you are not required for age verification, so it is for ages 12+.
  • Please read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers%27_Day "over 80 countries...."
  • To take up your example of major patches or expansions of WoW - they've all startet in the middle of the night, say 03:00 am. Sure lots of them did come with some delay in the works and the server went down till 03:00 pm and on rare occasions even till 05:00 pm. No one argues about that. But the trueth is: None of them…
  • No Blizzard do not have downtimes during prime time. Why? Because they have different server clusters. They do not do the same maintenance at the same day. Tuesday morning for US-server, Wednesday morning for EU-Server. Result: No downtime for anyone during prime time.
  • With all due respect, timezones have nothing to do with it. It is server management. If you shut down all server at the same time then you will hit one prime time zone. If you maintain server per timezone cluster and shut them down in sequence - voila - problem solved. No maintenance during prime time for anybody.
  • With your conclusion it's not surprising anyone that you do not get it. Same story than before: If someone is going to provide services and closes down during prime time -> people will go someplace else for it. One of the main reason SW:TOR died. And continuing the story: US laughts over EU-player, EU player leave, service…