Look...no disagreements from me on your post...but I do have to ask if you've ever played an MMO before? And if so...why you expected this one to be any different from all the rest? Just curious...
Sigh...because it is only "free" to people who feel that leeching off of the work of others is an OK thing to do. If you enjoy the game...you spend money on it. If you don't...you quit playing. Thus the rationale of a cash shop containing "must have" items like bags makes sense. Frustrate anyone who likes the game enough…
Yea...if there was a healer in the zen shop I would have bought it by now. The tomes being missing makes no sense...the code exists since it apparently was live at one point...so why pull it? And if there was some kind of problem...FIX IT!!! Honestly...how hard can it be to basically remove a leveling lock on a companion?…
Given the reach on your GWF I don't see how the knockback hurts you. I don't run the wolf frequently simply because the GWF is too **** frail so I need a tank or healer most of the time...but I am leveling my wolf when I can and I haven't seen a problem with the KB...if anything it might buy you half a second or so as the…
While i'm completely behind any complaint about the pricing system...which is terrible across the board...I do have to ask why the heck anyone would want to pvp? No story to it, just a bunch of random people in some ridiculous arena button mashing each other to death over and over for no reason (other than the…
It may have said you could do it but did you actually do it? The option screen does pop up if you try to bank or mail the companion...but nothing happens when you agree. Yea I agree this needs to be fixed asap...I bought a companion in the zen store and it was absolutely not right for the character I bought it with...you…
Hopefully you've tried the obvious, but I literally can't log in without someone asking about this issue so I'll mention it anyway... Are you sure the Zen aren't in your account (wallet) waiting for you to transfer them into the game? I have had no issue with zen getting delivered within minutes...and thats with at least 6…
Yes...everything is overpriced...as it is in Startrek. Great games but their price structure is firmly in the "charge a very small portion of the players who can afford it so the vast majority can play for free" camp. Instead of reducing the prices to a more acceptable level and stopping people from buying everything in…
Yea...so you CAN play the game without buying anything...but why not make the prices more reasonable (in relation to every other FTP game out there) so people can enjoy it MORE while actually supporting the game. If you make it to 60 without ever spending a dime, it tells me one of two things... Either you are a cheap…
Its about as pointless as in all other MMOs...they will eventually stop following, but in the meantime you will undoubtably have picked up more followers. If you're gonna die anyway you might as well try...you might get away once in awhile. Don't think "friendly" npcs might help you if you can reach them however...I made…
And if we're starting a thread on companions to avoid...the shield from the diamond store is also worthless. The thing hovers out of range of enemies and only seems to attack if an enemy hits it first...something that happens rarely. If it buffed my survivability in any way this might be ok...but it doesn't. Its utterly…
Yea...this is a problem for me too...floating shield is absolutely worthless and in desperate need of being sold for scrap so I can mitigate my losses.
Yea...I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would want to play a twink in the first place...go find an anime game if thats what you're into. Or more likely, why some 'tard decided the term was one they wanted to use for whatever it is you guys are talking about...and how a bunch of other 'tards decided to support that…
I think asking for a Paladin is a bit unrealistic...I mean the class concept is really inseperable from D&D and given the great links Cryptic has gone to to distance this game from anything even remotely D&Dish I can't see them taking that step.
Yea...I literally plan a window when I'm working all day to get home long enough to pray so I don't lose my progress...unfortunately, with all the unscheduled downtime lately, I lost 3 days worth of coins... Really a crappy requirmeent to pray every day or lose it...really need an option to do it remotely.
Yea...if the fiction includes a group of friendly, good worshipping Drow, then the writers responsible fail at life. the Drow race are ALL evil...Drizzt is an exception...although there could conceiveably be others. If that has changed in the literature, then I'm glad I havent read anything recently.
I agree with everyone getting an item instead of rolls...but lets be honest, thats how MMOs do it and despite the claims to the contrary, Neverwinter is absolutely playing it safe by sticking to MMO formula. If the rolls stay in place, I could see a system where once you win something, you are ineligible for future rolls…
Anything that gets helps to get rid of the ridiculous MMO demand of a certain mix of classes for dungeon runs is a good thing. There is absolutely no reason 5 "tanks" shouldn't be able to run a dungeon together if thats who is available. With companions that is completely possible...a couple healers should keep everyone…
True, but the 15 cleric will die quickly and be of no use at higher levels. At 37, mine is already having a hard time staying alive during boss fights if she draws any attention...I can only imagine how much worse it will get. There is absolutely NO reason the training manuals haven't been implemented yet...
Anyone who says FTP is better for the consumer is delusional. I miss subscription models where I could actually do most everything without spending money. The problem with ANY FTP game is that 10% (or less) of the player base has to pick up the slack for the cheap as HAMSTER majority. Its bull... That said, this and Star…
Yea...love the game and completely willing to spend cash...but of the dozens of games I do/have spent money on...the ONLY ones I have ever regretted have been this and Star Trek. I drop 30-50$ on zen...spend it in like 2 minutes and am left wondering WTF I actually got for my money? Real bad taste here and if I could stop…
Completely, utterly wrong. The ACTUAL D&D online proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the conversion can be done very well. As to why everyone expects the online to have something in common with the pen and paper? Well, maybe its because they promise that it will by choosing to make a game using the freaking title! How…
GWF is the only class I've played past 10 and mine is up to 30...I didn't realize I had any reason to complain until I did a dungeon yesterday and was out damaged by two other toons...and I had 2 levels on both of them. I thought I was playing a DPS class but now I'm not so sure. And yes...I absolutely know what I'm doing…
Love the game but also not a fan of the UI...although my biggest issue is with having to alt to access anything. Particularly in dungeons where Ihave to decide what to do on loot rolls...remembering the key combination isn't gonna happen anytime soon for me as I don't dungeon alot, so alt click it is...which is far from…
I posted this exact same question a day or so ago...the same vendor that sells companions also sells books to upgrade a companion's "rarity" which is what determines their max level. So your free cleric is common and needs to be upgraded three times before she can max at level 30. Some companions will already start at…
Then you haven't bothered to play the actual D&D online which is almost a direct transfer of the pen and paper 3.5 to an online game. Its as good as it gets... As to your list of points...some of them are fair...except that the question is not whether this is a Forgotten Realms game...nobody would dispute that it…
Yea its funny hearing people claim this is sooo like 4e...well if it is then 4e is unplayable. The standard mmo stats are all there...and would be impossible for anything but a computer to keep track of. A fun game, don't get me wrong...but if you want ACTUAL D&D you need to play the ACTUAL D&D online game...its superior…
Thanks for the info...although bummed that I'm up to 7 leadership and there are still no quests in which it is possible to run three guys and therefore get the 100% bonus (I got a purple and two blue men at arms)