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What is the Arc Client?
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  • I have the same issue. Keyboard works in chat and mouse works as long as the event menu is still up when the game first launches. But cannot move, use any powers, or mouse click on anything. Can rotate the camera. Cant play. Will wait for fix.
  • I also have this problem. I have a lot of characters. I'm not going to re map every single key for all of them. When Cryptic wants me to play again, they'll fix this bug.
  • This is very helpful. Thanks!
  • Saul: When is the opening? Everyone: July 3rd. Danny: You've got fireworks, the stoke of midnight, the whole shebang. Saul: But we're going in now? It's already open. Rusty: No, it's a soft opening. To test the place before the grand opening. Linus: Yeah, it's kind of like an out of town preview only it's in town. Saul:…
  • Racial powers that occupy a slot on the power bar. Example: Dragonborn with breath weapon, Eladrin with teleport. These racial powers would become simply another option that you could slot as an encounter power, regardless of class. Ritual spells that aren't used in combat. Magic in MMOs means "combat," but the fun thing…
  • Arcane Mastery and Chill slot into those two little tiny boxes stacked on top of each other on the left side of your power bar. They are probably already slotted, appearing as tiny yellow squares. You will get more of these class features as you level, and will get to decide which to use and which to leave unused. As you…
  • That's the wrong pic for the dye. That's the same Sunite Heart art you used last time, showing the pink instead of the new red.
  • I get no diamonds from Gateway. Go, double diamonds weekend!
  • I have boot camp on my Mac and have been playing the game fine. You say you're having a hard time installing the game... Boot Camp just turns your Mac into a PC, so installing the game is done normally. You click the big DOWNLOAD button on the Cryptic page, get the launcher, and let it do its thing. What is your friend…
  • You should hit up our website and fill out the app!
  • QFT I really want to buy cosmetic outfits, especially because all the armor looks the same. But it's just so expensive, and character bound! If it was account unlock, I might buy it at this crazy high price. If it was cheaper, I might buy it if it were character bound. But instead, I do neither.
  • In the rush of new traffic on these forums, I missed your post. But you've since found us! New people are the lifeblood of our hobby. We need new people. RP has only a few basic rules, most of which boil down to "be considerate." We're happy to have you and any other new people who are willing to be in a guild focused on…
  • You have a lot of currencies, but they all have a different purpose from Cryptic's point of view. Astral Diamonds are your primary and most important currency. You use this on the Auction House, to buy rare gear, some of the best companions, and other awesome stuff. You also use diamonds to make cosmetic changes to your…
  • There is no way to do this yet, no. If you really want to change it, you'll be forced to re-roll. Make sure to get rid of all your astral diamonds if you do: you can send them to your account by posting them for sale and then immediately canceling the posting. This will leave them in your account until you reclaim them on…
  • These axes and other orc pieces of gear drop from the last quest in the Tower District arc. You can then transfer the appearance to your next weapon by right clicking and using the "Change Appearance" option. It will cost you astral diamonds.
  • #1: There is no easy indicator for this. But zones which are above your level will be marked in red when you go to a city gate. If you are worried, run Foundry quests. These missions always scale to your level. #2: There is no sidekick system in NWO and devs have suggested they are not keen on adding one. I don't know what…
  • No it does not.
  • Finding arcane crystals on the AH has so far eluded me. They don't show up in any category I can find. If anyone has found these, can they please provide some tips?
  • Remember that the Evocation Class Feature adds damage to all your AoEs, and a Feat adds to all AoE damage as well. AoEs really come into their own when you hit the Paragon Path, because all the Storm powers are Area of Effect. Chill Strike in your Spell Mastery slot is the best straight-up AoE damage spell until you hit…
  • Xraytec: Talismans are off-hand weapon items. You can find them from the jewelry vendor in the Market. Note that companions can wear items from any class and at any level, so feel free to buy one that your own character could not wear.
  • My mail in NWO will not appear as long as I have any mail on my STO character. I log on to STO, I delete my mail, which includes my NWO mail, and then I log back in to NWO. Its definitely related to cross-cryptic games.
  • What companion are you using? I only ask because white companions stop ranking at 15, when you are about level 30. If you have the panther or dire wolf, though, this is not the problem.
  • The above tip is correct. You can adjust your preferences so AoE spells go off on trigger release. That will help a little, though the spell is still underwhelming.
  • No, there is no name conflict issue.
  • This happens frequently for me. Attempting to finish the task early gets me a window that says the task will cost -1 astral diamonds to complete. Nothing happens when I try to say yes to this offer. Attempting to cancel the task gets me an error message in red that read that the task cannot be cancelled. Its been hung up…
  • In addition to the great advice regarding the Foundry, there are some additional options: Leadership earns you XP. At low levels, the rewards are small, but there are high level Leadership tasks that net 800-1600 XP. Cryptic went back and added additional quests to make up for under leveling. Some of these are class based…
  • There was an additional healer option in Beta Weekends, a "Harper Agent" companion. He was pretty effective, but he has not shown his head in Open Beta. He may be waiting for a Zen Store update or a new Lockbox promotion. The Acolyte of Kelemvor reduces the damage you take and gives you Life Steal. There are a lot of…
  • So, it turns out you can go into a dungeon no matter your level if you run to the door and enter. It's only the group finder that will reject you, and of course skirmishes have no door so you can't get in. But get a few friends and you can totally do the Mad Dragon or, for that matter, any other dungeon.
  • Trade bars only come from boxes. That is it.