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  • Applied to join. Does the Scribe's Enclave also have an in-game custom chat channel? If not might be a nice idea to create one so authors can also chat with each other.
  • BUGThe single process raw black ice job. The description states 150 raw black ice and you are supposed to recieve 185 Black ice. You only recieve 135. Additionally after do the single refine once it disappears from the job list
  • What about those players that due to being unable to login and invoke lost multiple days worth of celestial coins? No I do not mean myself as I log in several times a day to invoke.
  • Would this also be a viable build if the GWF is going to be the main tank for non PUG groups? I am looking to be able to tank when needed or dps if there is a GF tank in the group. Thanks
  • Well you could always make it so the item is required to continue the quest. Ala Customs declaration for the arrival port. No declaration no entrance to the next map(city,country, etc..)
  • There are 2 types of treasure troves on the AH some only give 3 scrip and some also give the cipher. You have to look closely at the tooltip before buying.
  • Elder Scrolls ....... :p Nope one l too many Read Scrolls ......
  • Well then how many proper fantasy names can you make using those letters? If it is a new faction or location the chances of solving it are not very good. If they are not willing to tell us how many words, then at least they can tells us if there are proper names in it. Otherwise Online could equal El Nino or Leonin or…
  • It would be nice if we had a hint how many words are in the solution. Or if each word is a single anagram etc. Backlash = Black Ash? Ranked = Darken? Siren = Risen?
  • Agreed. Personally I hope they wake up and smell the coffee. In the interim I intend to create Foundires that are as challenging as possible and will REQUIRE a group to complete. When I say group I do not mean 5 GWFs or 5 of any one thing but a balanced party with skills. The very first thing my new maps do is make the…
  • The ToS and EULA say otherwise, but I am not a lawyer. See also the statement when you submit your quest for the spotlight. Other than that I have nothing further to say on the legal issues regarding player authored content. This thread is about possible long term solutions. If anyone has better ideas, please by all mean…
  • The software tools used to develop the game and foundry. If you are asking can I prove it, then the answer is no, it is simply a logical deduction based on certain facts 1. They created the game and the foundry 2. All we do in the foundry is rearrange things they developed. Logically the tools must exist otherwise neither…
  • I realize they get a lot. That is why the use of the review system. There can also be additional levels prior to it getting that far. The primary reason for the QA/Review team is to evaluate quests that are being considered for permanent inclusion into the game. Let us use your example and say it one employee is assigned…
  • Deleted due to duplication
  • I changed certain phrasing and descriptions in the original post to clarify what I meant as there was some confusion regarding what I meant when I said QA/Review Team. Also changed section 2 to read Bounty instead of currency. See Below 1. QA/Review Team: A review team of cryptic employees would be required. The purpose of…
  • See post directly below
  • That is one of the goals of the proposal to provide us the tools to create shiny new content that is worth the time to play for the playerbase while still allowing Cryptic/PW full control of what can and cannot be done.
  • Fine then allow the authors the option of excepting their content from this process and from consideration for inclusion into a permanent part of the game. As is once we create the content, legally Cryptic can do whatever they please with it, it belongs to them. Same way when you develop a new device at your place of work…
  • I am not trying to tell someone how to do thier job but throw a considered set of proposals out there that may provide the start of a solution. Bug fixing is important but in all honesty you have to keep the big picture in mind at the same time. While the bugs cause problems, we can work around most of them, also having to…
  • It would be nice to see some love to the foundry. It is has the ability to allow the creation of plenty new content and I am sure more people would do so if it wasn't so finicky
  • In conclusion I would like to say I enjoy the game and have every intention of continuing to play for the foreseeable future. I see a distinct possibility to make this game the premier MMO on the market and hope this vision will be realized in the not too distant future. I believe that the core gamer community plays for…
  • c. Maps: All in all this is the best part of the foundry. Some small improvements could also be made here though. i. Allow us to set the default height of new items in a sidebar. This would give us the ability to more rapidly create and populate environments. ii. Allow us to set a default difficulty level for encounter. By…
  • d. Random number generators: This would give us the ability to implement changing content based on the result of the RNG. We would be able to make it so that the content can change every time a player runs the quest. e. Scalable encounter mobs: If given the abilty to scale the level of an encounter say from easy to Boss…
  • 3. World Map: Currently the game is centralized around Protector’s Enclave and Neverwinter, but as can be seen in the Dread Ring campaign Phantasmal Fortress, it would be possible to make the map larger and place additional hubs on it. This would allow for the expansion of the content. 4. Changes to the foundry: In detail…
  • For the new content created by the community to help create a sustaining environment in game certain changes would be needed. 1. QA/Review Team: A review team of cryptic employees would be required. The purpose of this team would be to review quests that achieve a certain level of player reviews and ratings. I realize this…
  • Thank you. I will check out those links.
  • Agreed. This makes the top ten of my desired changes in the foundry.
  • I agree fully we need to have timers. Aside from the ability to be able to implement unique special effects it would also allow us to ensure that foundries meet the minimum requirements to qualify as a Daily Foundry. While there are workarounds to provide a timer function they are not all that reliable and require us to…
  • I like the idea in principle, it might need some tuning however. Some ideas that popped into mind are; Add a new refineable currency into the game with a daily limit on refining. Let's call it "foundems" :p these foundems can be accumulated by running foundry quests. They must then be refined similar to rough astral…
  • I went through the foundry looking at the volume assets but could not find any that can be activated/walked through by NPCs only by the player. Can you perhaps tell me what they are called?