It's funny how Rekt was saying that Alysin was "not that good" and "we are going to move him down to erekt." But as soon as he became a free agent all the guilds are courting him like he is Peyton Manning. Should tell you something about rekt. Ps: we offer free beers after every match Alysin, or jack and coke. Whatever…
That's on the application portion. Background checks are a must. What's this you were in solidarity confinement for clubbing baby seals??? Sign him up boys, we need that kind of ruthless attitude in the guild. The longer the rap sheet the better!!! Let's hope they play rogue and use to SOD glitch, that really gets wicked…
Yeah, GG. We were just trying out a new cleric, to see what guild we want to put him in. Tenacity Reborn Tenacity Most Wanted Tenacity FTW Tenacity After School Special We are not quite sure what guild to put him in yet, he has to fill out a 5 page application, then we will have a meeting of the minds to see exactly where…
If I don't see alysin, mizzou, or fappy I'm not really concerned, any of the others I'm like meh. Everyone knows Rekt plays favorites, if you are not in their inner circle, it's a wrap. I honestly don't understand from a leaders perspective why make Erekt, it's pretty condescending to your members saying sorry we don't…
I don't even know why you are still in that guild. They trash talk you behind back all the time aylisin. When I made the comment that you were better then wicked, they told robin they were doing to move you down to B TEAM, cause they though you were not that good. I have fought you and wicked. My money is on you. I don't…
Sounds like there is a lot of disgruntled Rekt employees out there. I'm still confused how you have to apply twice to get in a guild. Oh as far as "best pvp guild" in the game goes, I didn't know we had a ladder to determine that. But hey, whatever helps you sell your product right? Feels like I'm watching a infomercial…
Currently according to the forums, CW are what rogues are now on mod 5. I'm sure they will "balance" them before mod 6 hits Xbox one. DisintegrateEncounter 80' range Arcane Damage Deal damage to target foe. If the target is below 280% of your weapon damage, they are killed instantly. Spell Mastery: Kills targets who are…
First off the rogues you are playing are bad because they are running execution path. ( if you are indeed getting one shoted) Scoundrel has so much more potential with daze locking clerics, hunters, CW, and lol warlocks. Also, lol GF.
GWF are really only good for stunn locking clerics. If I had to pick a GWF/GF or another DPS/Healer , I'll pick DPS/healer every time. It's nothing against the skill of the player, it's just a limit to what the class can do. Unfortunately tank classes in this game are lacking.
I have nothing against GF, but currently running a cleric instead of one is way more beneficial. I know one thing that would make GF really useful in PVP but it will never happen, tanks and brutes had it in City of Heroes and villains. Is a single target taunt. Basically taunting a foe only makes it where you can attack…
Where to begin, CW have the lowest AC in the game, we are basically glass cannons. Secondly I can count on one hand the amount of good CW that play on Xbox. Mizzou Stepfister Apollo Meanseason So be lucky there are no more of them that know what they are doing. Hint: if they are running Conduit of Ice, they don't know what…