"A rather peculiar and relatively unknown power, trolls have the innate ability to make (seemingly) any inanimate object vanish by simply hate-staring it out of existence! This would-be-hairdresser, undoubtedly, learned the hard way when his chair suddenly and rather inexplicably vanished from beneath him as he foolishly…
I never liked the idea of the warlock being added... i mean maybe later but there are so many other classes i would rather see first, like monks, druids, bards, paladins, necromancers, Dervishes, and Barbarians in actual D&D there is a real difference between wizards and warlocks but i dont see how it can reflected here…
-Gelatinous cube - i made a post about these earlier. theyd be a lot of fun -Rust monster - this little guy would be nice. he could lower the damage that enemies are putting out -White Owl - just a personal thing. i have an affinity for white owls :o -Dire White Owl - just like the white owl but bigger and badder -Nymph -…
lol you should see us GWFs in pvp. whenever i see a wizard and we're by ourselves i just run the other way. wizards destroy GWFs before we can even get near them. rouges depend on the build. a good rouge can almost one shot me. a terrible rouge i can fight and sometime kill in 1v1.