I am boycotting the cash shop. I'm also voicing my concerns and giving constructive criticisms here on the forum, because deep down I actually want to support this game. If I didn't care at all, I'd be long gone by now.
I don't hate rich people, I hate smug people. I don't have anything against the people shelling out hundreds of dollars on this game, again, I hate smug people. My distaste for the cash shop is because it feels too much of a nickle & dime shop to me. That's why I'm voicing my concerns. I love the game, but I hate the shop.…
Introducing a optional monthly sub. seems to be the best idea so far, to me. The details of what should be included in the sub. is of course important.
Way to generalize OP.:rolleyes: I want to give them my money but I can't. The nickle and diming is just too much, and I feel like I'm being squeezed out of money, and that makes it feel morally wrong to give them money, even though I enjoy the game very much. So I'm in a rather conflicted situation here.
Getting angry because of what someone else think is fun, is childish. Secondly, this is possible by using AD to speed up the profession tasks, and to get loads of AD in order to do this you buy Zen.
Cash shop aside, it's a really fun game. But you can't put it aside in the actual real world, so I'm very conflicted. And I'm still waiting on some feedback and adjustments to the cash shop, otherwise I'll probably never spend a dime on it.
I'm enjoying the game very much, I really do. And I really feel like spending some money on it, but.. The pricing model is bad. If we are to draw some parallels, to say GW2. I buy the 45€ Zen package (to represent the B2P portion of GW2). I'm still going to get a more neutered experience than in GW2. Things that stand out:…