I feel bad for getting the Orb since I never intended to work on the Black Ice Armor. Basically, I showed up at the Beholder spawn, spammed Ray of Enfeeblement and Magic Missile on it, got one shotted after it disappeared, someone rezzed me, then spammed a few more ROE when it reappeared. Funny thing is the beholder…
You talk as if you know the work ethic of the people who only play one character. Hopefully, your words are not endorsed by Cryptic. That wouldn't be good policy for keeping paying players. By the way, I agree with the OP and I don't feel everything should be handed to me. I just wish there was another path for soloers to…
I have the same problem as everyone except the code is never sent to my email. Nope, it's not in the spam folder. Clearing the cache hasn't helped. Well, there goes browsing the AH at work.
I enjoy the randomness of a pug and I don't mind dying. My first few pugs had at least one overpowered lvl 60 GWF. As you can imagine, those skirmishes were quite boring. Then things got interesting at night. Entered one with 2 HR, a CW and cleric. One nut, I don't know who, aggroed most of the map and ran them back the…
Well then! I’m kind of glad I didn't buy the Zen when I received the email. With this exploit, I would have been a bit peeved if I had. As for everyone now having a stone, well that’s not the case. Some of us have to spend long periods of time away from the game and have no idea what is transpiring during that time. Even…
I would like clarification on the active bonus. On resurrection, you are shielded for 10% of your total hitpoints. Does this mean you receive 10% temporary hitpoints upon resurrection? or Does it mean you can't drop below 10% of your hitpoints for a period of time after resurrection? Also, how long does this "hitpoint…
I am SICK and TIRED of healing you all...and all you guys do is stand in red circles OVER and freakin OVER...every time! R. E. S. P. E. C. T. Find out what it means to ME! I've had enough and I quit! <Right click-leave party>
It's funny when people tell other gamers what they "need" and "don't need" when they know their play style is the only way to acquire an item. It doesn't matter if they don't need it. If they want it, they should have the opportunity to acquire it through different types of game play. My opinion is that the game should not…
Ok, since they doubled the light output, I went ahead and picked up a fawn. The size of the Spring of Life regeneration ring is fine but: 1. It should be centered on the player when the fawn spawns it. If the player steps out of the ring, that's his loss. The way things are now, you first have to notice the ring, then get…
Same. Also, should the daze ability on this companion be so short or is that a bug? I watched it fight a mob and the daze power lasts ~ 1 second, which does little to nothing for control. Since it's advertised as a control companion, its abilities should be bumped up in that area. I suggest to lengthen the time of its daze…
I think the foundry was intended to be the endgame content for solo players, just like skirmishes and dungeons are for groupers. The difference is soloers get no special shinnys for completing foundry content. I think the majority of the foundry should be for soloing. However, I do enjoy the challenge of running content…
The ideal minimum (and maximum) is 15 – 20 mins because Cryptic gives no incentive to consistently do longer foundry quests, other than personal enjoyment. I prefer the longer foundry quests. My ideal minimum would be 30 – 45 mins and I don’t mind >45 minute quests when I have the time.
Wow. This is exactly the problem I imagined with this companion when I read it's powers. I'm kind of glad I stopped grinding for the fawn now. Still, Cryptic can easily remedy this problem by increasing the radius of the Spring Of Life. The circle should encompass the player when the fawn is at it's maximum point away.
It does seem that the Foundry I being de-emphasized and that hardcore groupers are the focus, since they currently receiving the most rewards. But, I'm going to stick with this game at least until I receive the Angel of Protection (1 year). The beauty of MMOS is that they are not static and are always changing. After a…