CW get reduced to 25% life, soulforged kicks in (if it haven't bugged, sometimes it's simply not working), rogue is out of stealth (if he had no stealth prolonging abilities, nor LA slotted), can't "strangle" because of ItC, can't do anything of the above, die. However, it would be smarter of rogue to bring him down to…
Unlike you, some classes don't have stealth or ItC. Besides even getting greater enchants is easy, perfect ones will take some time but are also easily achievable. There is no such thing as "pay go win". Besides, game's PvP shouldn't be balanced around sh1tty gear anyway. And if you think that "full enchants" will make…
Please name those CC abilities' they're using on you, and tell me how long that control lasts. Then compare it to GWF/GF stunlock duration and you'll be surprised.
It's not about playstyle, it's about certain abilities being useless. Exactly. Besides, SoEA deals little to no damage. While you're busy casting and moving it I could kill you already, not to mention that it's super predictable so you can dodge/block it's CC. In this case "2 RoEs + CoI" are abilities that I try to use if…
SoEA is uselss. RoE is better for 1v1s then Repel in mastery s So the rotation I've been going through for GF's..........I dont just go balls out and try everything I have at'em and burn my daily, cuz if you pvp you know generally they willl be blocking most of it..........So I've been playing a smarter game(when I have…
Competent rogue can't be killed by a CW. You're forced to dodge CoS, or you'll die or atleast will be take lots of damage, if you've wasted your dodges you're defenceless against a rogue with ItC who's hitting you heavily and got to you by simply pressing deft strike. Rogues are capable of doing 48k LB crits while LA is…
Idk, shield's CD is like 15 seconds (No archmage set or anything), I punt fine. Oh, 2900 recovery btw. To make sure you'll get your punts and AS' in time - EF on tab, RoE (dps assist), CoI (dps assist), Shield. You can make 2 AS before your shield CD comes up.
RoE nerf to prevent huge burst spikes in PvP, SE nerf for the community (community whined about SE and while rogues' LA is simply better they've still nerfed SE), rogues' bleeds nerf (which makes DPS fighters more viable), numerous exploit fixes, GWF buffs, cleric aggro fix, GF aggro fix, now attempting to make gear BoP…
I'm currently in the process of making my greater vorpal. Not much left. Never used any fusing or AD exploits. Idk who buys those wards, but they cost ~130k on AH, which is not alot to say the leaset.
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to tear this post apart... With permastealth build there is no way a competent rogue can lose to a CW. The only defence a rogue has against a CW is ItC, Stealth, Dodges and daze, which is not needed most of the time. Well, your default build with DS/LB/ItC does fine, too. And you can't…
DPS specced GFs die the second they lose their block. It's just from 100% to grave in a couple of seconds. GWFs are still more then managable to beat as a mage, but I just love bursty encounters, even tho they're not even remotely as effective as repel - huge knockback, ~5k damage crit and a 1-2 seconds stun on a…
Why do you think you should be able to respec in the first place? "But WoW did it!" or what? lol Looks like I've been trolled by a fat troll. Not sure if such stupid people can actually exist.
If players don't want to go with undergeared players - they shouldn't be forced to do so. Sometimes I go with my group and we need just 1 random guy to fill the slot - so we invite some random rogue with "10k+ gs", turns out he's geared in blues - kick before the last CN boss. Besides, if I have good gear and an…
Well idd, I said it before in other threads that leaving a PvP match should be punished with a 2 hour ban from the game. (Not from PvP matches only) If you're constantly so unlucky that you get bad teams (which is unlikely) - make a group.
1. Agreed 2. No. Being bad shouldn't be rewarded. There should be 0 glory rewarded for losing. 3. May aswell remove all of the CC completely. DR mechanic is HAMSTER, and it was invented back then like a patch for the PvP, because it's easier then game's complete rebalance. 4/1. Agreed. It's boring to play against whiny…
Lol, serious grown up appears. Having a job and being older then 18 don't make you special. On topic: no BoE items = nothing to sell on AH, no freedom of farming different dungeons and selling items, no reason to buy zen (as you won't actually sell much as there is nothing you can buy for AD).
Instead of making PvP items BoP you can aswell remove them completely. You'll still have people PvP for easy gear, while lots of gear ingame is better then this PvP set.
You can both do DPS and bring needed amount of CC, for this you don't need high recovery. Voluntarily murdering your DPS is not what would make you a good CW. Infact, atleast passives like eye of the storm and storm spell kinda hint that you should do some DPS afterall.
Meanwhile I did a couple of CN runs. Haven't noticed any difference, I'm more then fine with my below-3k recovery, while competeing with rogues in terms of DPS even on a single target. Yeah, their bleeds was nerfed hard.
Lol. Only wow-clones. Just some random games from my head - Lineage II, Raganarok Online, Guild Wars II, Eve, Ultima Online, Darkfall (if I'm not mistaken). My mates just told me about devs' plans of making items bop - it may be a death sentence to the game. I never told about any problems of this game like that, but with…
So why Great Weapon Fighters are the way they are? They're not GREAT at all, or their weapon is not very GREAT, they should be GREAT, it's defined by their class name! Why some trickster rogue kills me? He's a TRICKSTER rogue, he should perform TRICKS, not kill me or do DPS. Guardian fighter should guard me, he's a…
I'm just fine running t2, CN, whatever else, and in case you can't read RoE is used on bosses, which increases DPS by alot to say the least, CS simply helps to kill adds faster, and unless you have a GWF + a really sh1tty cleric in your group there is no reason to use EF in PvE at all. In fact, you're the one who should…
I'm talking both PvP and PvE. I can cast the same amount of "Black holes" (Arcane Singularity) with low recovery, and if you have EF tabbed insteas of CS or RoE (on bosses), you shouldn't play a CW in the first place. 0.2 seconds cd decrease doesn't worth completely murdering your dps.
The only bosses I don't go full dps on the boss are Dread Vault and CN last bosses, maybe spider, too, but I just CC and go straight back to dps, staying in melee range with the boss. On all the rest it's basically "nuke boss" "strategy".