*Ahem* Last time they "balanced" GWF it got nerfed to hell. Then after weeks of metrics, they stated GWF is exactly where they feel it should be. Although I read the sticky, there are two ways of balancing classes. Each class can be balanced up or down. So if the GWF output is where its expected, then balance could just be…
Anybody here ever play Kingdom Of Loathing? Numerous times, people have flooded their market with in game money, through exploits. At times this was done by a few players to try forcing a reset. It is widely believed that the game would have died had they reset, but the economy was tanked without a reset. The solution?…
I'm a HotN, and everything I do queue jumps ;P j/k Honestly, the few times I've submitted tickets, I have heard back within minutes from a real person. Generally I write out as much information as possible on the situation, as well as keep it very neutral in tone, or even slightly upbeat. When I worked inbound phone sales,…
If they don't have a wipe, then people quit (QQ cry me a river), but others will join. If they wipe, then their word is 100% untrusted, and people quit, PR has MAJOR issues, and word gets around they can't be trusted at their word regardless, so they have a very hard time getting new players. Like all MMO's, within a year,…
Hm reminds me of a discussion I had recently. In earlier editions, actions determined alignment. In 4.0 Intent determined alignment. The 4.0 alignments for PC's are as follows, Lawful Good, Good, Evil, Chaotic Evil. LG is now (roughly), doing the right thing, for the betterment of society G is now roughly, Doing what is…
From wikipedia with reference: "Dungeons & Dragons (1974–1976) The elf first appeared as a player character class in the original 1974 edition of Dungeons & Dragons.[2][3]" ^ Gygax, Gary, and Dave Arneson. Dungeons & Dragons (3-Volume Set) (TSR, 1974) Also People forget Bard is the original prestige class
I have loved every edition, inc 4e. Each has merits. I'm not a huge fan of Pathfinder since they made 3.5 even more rules intensive (the biggest detriment to D&D was the overabundance of rules and everything being quantified, rather than the DM pulling in favor of fun, we now have hours of ruleslawyering and 10 minutes of…
And all but the 25$ ships (usable by only chars of said faction) are worth using, the rest you get for the free gear, and rarely use the ship. Most if not all those ships are P2W (or months of playing to earn to win). I remember when nothing beat a beam array grumba (might have spelled the wrong) was THE winning PvP and…
funny enough no rage. RAGE GENERALLY HAS ME USING CAPS. no joke. Those games might feel kinda D&D ish, but without the critters that actually make D&D, it just feels like a faded wannabe. Like watching Michelle Pfeiffer's midsummer night's dream. As for the rest, Last time I was in a group PUG skirmish (beta weekend before…
Hey did I ever tell you about the time in 3.0 (not 3.5) I found a way to travel all the way around the world in one combat round as long as I had enough opponants to kill? What about the time in 3.5 where I got whirlwind attack, and spiked chain and killed an entire warren of gobos in a single round of combat? What about…
Anyone else see the iroy in the idea that "more customiation is better" then turning around and saying "elf was a class not a race" So if you wanted to play elf, you got exactly 1 option on what to do. lets go through some 2.0 and before stuff. Roll 3d6 for stats, what you roll determines what you can play. You don't get…
farm weeks for 1 special mount and get it as an account wide unlock. Also to the guy that complained about losing a match because of mounts even tho they had more kills, blah blah blah.... I commonly win PvP matches in the <20 bracket even though not a single ally is in the top 5 in anything on the map. PvP is all about…
I think we should have 3 free respecs per character. See what you do is go to a place called like iono, "Earth Shock" and kill a buttload of flying archers in the magic fuel room. If you succeed in defending the magic fuel room for 30 mins, you get a free respec. The next time you have to kill a ton of berzerkers that have…
or get a real voip service that can set auto detection of talking, like mumble. Mumble is good about being able to set it so it doesn't pick up your tv, but does detect when you are talking. guess what, its hands free and has lower latency. Now you can use your ctrl button for something helpful in a game, rather than waste…
I kinda wish companions were setup like Mastermind pets in CoH. You can tell them to be aggressive, passive, or guard, go to location, follow, or stay.
Devs went on record saying its acceptable. People should stop whining and get over themselves. Hell they are turning me into one of them. Also seriously, This is like the 5th thread on this subject? more. Each one has been nuked or put in lower depths. Can this one get the same treatment. Do we need more trolling about how…
You know, most of the people I played 3.0-4.0 with agree on one thing. If a GM wants to cause a party wipe, just make the characters swim. Even when trained, the difficulty of swimming over any length of time (lets say 10 rounds) typically means your party is all going to die. Add in currents, temperature, undercurrents,…
Another dead horse kicked. Seriously can we just have this tired subject auto dropped to "Lower Depths" For the flame wars that this subject has started, please read this thread first: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?146331-Three-Min-in-Game-and-Already-See-a-Salvatore-Copycat
GWF.... you might not get many kills, but tab, take less damage and ignore all CC, stay in combat, get more determination within a few seconds, tab, take less damage and ignore all mez. TRs still wreck your face in sheer damage, but CW's can't do much when most of your time is spent immune to their control, and mitigating…
Or they have an office in the EU. IF they have offices in the EU, US, and China, A company can generally accept money with less or no taxes, due to grey areas in most countries tax laws.
Vancian spellcasting is dead. There are basically 3 types of "powers" everyone gets now: At will, usable once per round.... no limit per day. Encounter, usable once per encounter. Kinda powerful, but not groundbreaking Daily, usable once a day (12 hours up, 8 hour rest is a day, no less). These are generally OP and win…