And clearly you are the problem with this forum and why only the "loud people" are heard. OP redacted that part from the letter because it became the focus of the post and people then do not debate the actual problems that can be addressed. Also it may have been redacted because OP had been informed more in the last thread…
Life of a DPS is hard, there are far more people playing DPS than other roles which means queues will take a long time to form, sometimes over an hour. On your points of the dungeons being too hard, some of these I can certainly agree with, and there are somethings devs COULD do to fix it however it would probably hurt…
This has been resolved (sorry for the late update) I needed to collect a quest from Celeste, however this was not shown on the map, and the disappearing quest markers led me astray so I did not explore that particular area. Thanks for the help though :)
I have tried logging out at the quest location and logging back in to try and collect it before the NPC disappears, in this case the NPC doesn't show up.
The problem would be if 'good' items dropped easier, then they would become worthless in terms of AD, the economy in game needs desirable items that you can't just go and get. I agree the potions are rubbish, maybe some food/refinement would be better, but if anything I think the drop rate of staff and music box should…
I think this is because of the issue I raised of it being an important advertisement for the boxes, maybe out the admin channel and in to an announcements channel but it will never be removed.
Hey, didn't see this, I see what you mean. yes it is viable with some characters, but with the dungeons being designed more towards team play with higher level enemies, it starts making it difficult, Imagine trying to solo CR. there's loads of nice design in there. @nitocris83, Thanks :)
I am going off my experience when I started, so as a new player, Not only did I not have many contacts in the game, and with the chat channels full of Jargon I did not understand such as "LFG CR 15k+ " I felt alienated and did not want to put myself in the position of utter noob, so I couldn't get a private queue together.…