So if you only like PVP, then.... PVP? I find PVP fun and enjoyable, and been sticking to mostly that. If all you've done is PVP you likely dont have "Very Rare" pieces for rings/neck/belt. So you can continue to PVP to sell PVP gear to buy these remanining pieces.
So basically, this game sucks because I want to tunnel vision boss and not deal with anything else, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Thats what I got from OP, and all of his replies.
PVP is fine, at 60, and geared, things are not insanely broken, albeit some balancing is in order. Other things to consider why you are getting owned. 1) You may be just bad at PVP 2) your level, brackets are every 10 levels, even with decent gear, if you enter at 32, you could be playing against a 39. Yes it scales…