its a good job I, and others didnt just spend a load of cash buying up the AH then, based on your previous announcement. engage your collective brains before you knee jerk react and tell the world please. thank you. If I didnt know any better, conspiracy theorists might think this was staged to drive zen sales to convert…
ok,well lets hope for the best.still, even seeing them, as many are does not exactly inspire confidence. im a self confessed fan boi, but even for me, if this is another screw up, my faith will be seriously tested!!
its on mindflayer, what I will say though is im looking at it through the nw portal. for some reason my patching is kinda slow and im not in game yet (cough).
I have the same problem.. on exit, the launcher starts doing the 1500 patch for about 2 seconds then quits. this isnt stopping me playing the game but its clearly going to be a problem when the patch goes live
You have a nice setup, gratz! You clearly also know your stats, as you mention, we believe the cap for PVE bosses is currently 22% ARP, but you have still gone over it, and that is clearly a waste. Not even bearing in mind that racials and debuffs mean you dont even need 2200. Personally, i'm a fan of recovery and as you…
you will routinely be 2 shot at 60 and often it will feel like 1 shot with the rogue daily (although actually, you will already have some health missing, not 100-0). get used to it... also not sure what your spec is but by now you should have access to your Stun breaker = impossbile to catch. you cant have it all, but…
for pvp (also execution) I stack, crit > recovery > armor pen as it is not AS useful in pvp imho. power I just take what I have. pvp is all about burst, getting the highest crit you can and having your skills up as often as you can = win.
you got it. and I have already sent my support ticket (with screenshots). the purpose of this post was to find out if others were in a similar position, looks like I have all that answered now aswell. to all the haters, please remember that in mature markets (or at least ones more mature than this) trading would be…
Thanks, this is the only response in answer to my question. And yes, for what it's worth, I accept that "it was a great deal" to get 500/1 but I stand by my original comments. I was not party in any way to the original exploits, I merely bought AD from the legitimate market place created by the makers of this game . if I…
you have a legitimate point, but I think it was poorly made. I gained nothing personally from the shenanighans yesterday. didn't sell anything on the AH, didn't buy anything, nothing. What I did do however was noticing that the market bouncing off its top (and could go no higher) of 500 AD to 1 Zen was purchase Zen with…
You got me there, but like I said. it's all 100% legitmate, not my fault they are incompetent and were asleep / out on their boats at the time their cashcow went belly up.
Cheaper? yes. legitmately though the zen trading platform no. Like I said, from my point of view, ok you perhaps could say that I knew what I was doing in buying at the market cap (which is 500), but on the other hand, the market was open. And in the same way responsible market makers close markets when big news drops or…
it is not a stun, it is a daze. which means you can move freely but you can't use anything on your action bar (or dodge). also, it could be that people are using their "breaker" to get out of it and continue as normal. for rogues, our stun breaker/"trinket" is called Impossible to Catch and is very useful, especially if…
What will happen to the "small group of players?" PLEASE PLEASE do the right thing and permaban these scumbags, after all, regardless of root cause (your code), they purposely bought the game economy down and ultimately cost 10000s of people progress. PERMANENT BAN is the only response. Very unlikely these idiots spend RL…
To the OP. Theorycrafting is one thing, but I can tell you for sure that your spec will not put out as much damage without the overrun critical. The reason I know this is because I tried it this morning, running ACT (advanced combat tracker) and the damage was consistently down. not buy a lot, but by enough for me to back…
This doesnt necessarily answer your question, but levelling is so easy and fast, I really wouldnt worry about it right now. I generally just upgrade my stuff every 4-6 levels with the cheapest buyout kit I can find on the Ah. At 60 it will matter and I intend to pick up the pvp set as it is really easy to farm and is well…