I have seem some youtube videos about the Lair of the Mad Mage dungeon and what I saw worries me about the future of mod 16. DPS was running ahead of tank with no care, and actual pulling of mobs and tanking wasn't necessary. And during boss fights groups just packing together and burning the boss in a couple minutes,…
Bug: Rust monster is doing insane ammounts of damage with its Bite power. [Combat (Self)] Your Baratinha deals 5075158 (37980) Physical Damage to Lostmauth with Bite.
That is a new game feature. People were complaining that TR only had to smash a single button to win, só devs changed it so now you guys have to smash that button a few more times, based on RNG.
@micky1p00 This video explains well the issue. Inflation. It is like comparing an inflationary currency, like Venezuela, and a stable currency like Dollar. AD is inflationary. There is new AD being created daily, "magically". But Zen comes from real money. USD. As more zen is added, Zen should become more valuable (if…
Removing the zen/ad cap would also help with draining a lot of AD from market. Which is an issue devs have been trying to fight for years (many players got lots of AD using "unethical" means). In the short time, prices might skyrocket. But after this things would reach a point of equilibrium. Also having Zen be more…
It seems burnadin builds can still be good for the new Hardcore mode. Was running a Cragmire Crypts on my Devo, who has damage on heal procs, and was top DPS. Wasn't even running a full "burnadin" build. Just normal bane/heal bot and my damage procs were good dps.
Be nice and friendly with everyone, and every queue you join will have friends :D Solo domi has like 30 ppl who play. Not hard to get to know most of them.
@scarabman I think devs made a really great work with Barovia Hunts and Taroka Cards. They allow the user to customize the hunt and create different experiences for the same hunt. The same could be done with PVP. Give players an option to customize their PVP matches. Could be for private queue only, if this would simplify…
The rumour is that they are reworking the TR class. My bet is that this Solo Queue event is just for gathering data on TRs that they will use for rebalancing TRs. Being that TRs are mostly used for PVP.
Thanks for the rework on Frost Enchant! I have a question I hope you could answer Does the damage from the Frost enchant also get buffed from CW feat Arcane Presence?
As a full control opressor CW, I still keep the opinion that Elven Battle (at pure and transcendent level) is too strong. It is an absolute defence against control. No other mechanic is completely negated in this game like CC vs Elven Battle. I built my character around CC, and I'm very happy with this build. I can't kill…
Skills that hit over time, like icy terrain or smoke bomb, already have their damages adjusted for this. Each tick hits for low damage. It seems fair to me that weapon enchants proc from each hit - since each hit from the skill won't be much damage anyway.
Sice weapon enchantments like Holy Avenger and Frost are more adequate for support classes/builds, maybe we could have their uptime be affected by another stat. Like Recovery or Control Bonus (for Frost). So the strongest your "support stats" (recovery, control bonus, whatever), the longer the uptime on the enchantment…
This is an open proposal. The objective is to gather ideas for a possible Opressor rework. I myself don't have any "secret" agenda to make Opressor some sort of overpowered feat tree. The main issues I see are: 1) During Boss fights, the lack of DPS is bad for the group. That's why I think about some sort of group buff. If…
I had forgotten about Ice knife and Ice Storm when typing this post. And you are correct, they have Prone effect. But Ice storm and Ice Knife are also Daily Skills. If only I could move my Flail Snail from my OP to my CW... (but bound to character itens is another issue). The problem I would like to see solved is this: Be…
Freeze is nullified by Elven Battle. While Prone is not. A CC specced CW should have access to the best CC tools. Right now Almost everything a CW can do is nullified by Elven Battle. And we only have 2 prone abilities: Shard of Endless Avalanche (a slow cast, long cool down, weak damage, and hard to use spell) and…
This is agood idea for the long term, it is a hard one and I will back the devs here. But I would just like to add that the High Vizier set was the only thing tha allowd my Opressor CW (the CC focused tree) to be invited into dungeon runs. Without its bonus, my Opressor is useless now for endgame PVE content. I would just…
I would love a Vanilla Neverwinter Server! This game was actually challenging. And gaining your T1 and later T2 sets, really felt like an achievement. My Opressor was great at Spellplague Caverns and Castle Never :) But we would need lots of bug fixes to it. Vanilla Neverwinter had many, many, many exploitable bugs.