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  • same issue here. it seems all these disconnects are completely random. some people get them, some people dont. nothing to do with isp or user end issues. sometimes i'll go a good hour or so with no issues, other times disconnect every few minutes. also, no issues at all before module 2 release. has anyone actually reported…
  • rock on mate, eating homemade triple chocolate "super moist" cake with oreo chunks baked in, hot fudge soaking into the cake, vanilla bean ice cream on top with orange cream shell on top of that! and milk. can't forget milk...
  • for the few that are having my issue (payment simply being rejected at checkout, no charges to card/bank account), i had mine resolved by calling my bank. it turns out that the bank was flagging perfect world as potential fraud. had them fix that, and now i have hero pack and can buy zen. so if you're having this issue,…
  • got another update: Our records indicate that there are no flags on your PWE account which should prevent you from purchasing a Neverwinter Founder's pack . Our billing system is designed to show all transactions that come through, failed or completed. When dealing with Skrill (Moneybookers) and/or paypal, however, they do…
  • at least y'all are getting charged (that's good because they have to do SOMETHING for you guys eventually). i still cant complete any transactions, not even to buy zen. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. also, anyone know when the last date to buy hero of the north is?
  • k, so i tried clicking that link for hero of the north, and this is what i got: "transaction pending" If you recenly made a purchase, your transaction is still pending. Once it is approved, you will receive an email at (email here) to finalize your transaction. If you need help, please contact Perfect World's Billing…
  • *sigh* i guess if they dont respond to me tomorrow, it will be time to stalker call that support number until someone picks up. if it wasn't for the fact that i actually really enjoy this game, i wouldn't even bother paying them at this point. how unfortunate that the good games are owned by lame companies :(
  • has anyone else had trouble purchasing zen as well? i run into the same problem when trying to do that...
  • anyone have a phone number for support? if they dont at least respond to me with some kind of useful info by tomorrow afternoon, i'd like to call so i can get this fixed.
  • another update. tried making a completely new account from scratch, new email, etc. DID make a billing profile and got the verification email, but still can't purchase zen or the founders packs. also found out that my main account has in fact already been verified (i guess i did that a long time ago), so the issue has…
  • so, has anyone with the rejected card issue had their problem resolved yet? it would be reassuring to know that they are in the process of fixing at least some accounts. I'm still irritated that it didnt even work on a completely new account, as well as my old one. really want this fixed before founders packs go away.
  • i've already tried to buy it. at least i haven't been charged for it. i think its just that this is my first purchase from perfect world, which is why i need that verification email.
  • I am having the same issue as Iomyrill. I even tried it on a new account, and have not received the billing verification email on either account's email (spam, trash, etc.). also submitted a ticket, sent email, and tried multiple payment methods, no luck. any way i could just have that verification email sent to me? would…