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  • This change is long overdue and makes me happy.
  • Follow unspecifiederror's guide. Other than that, pretty much what nymesis92 & zephryl1 said.
  • unspecifiederror, thank you for again taking your time to post your advice to benefit the Devoted Cleric community. :)
  • Greater Ring of Repulsion or just Ring of Repulsion?
  • Personal messages aside, I do hope the Devs decide to add a chat feature to the Gateway.
  • I know we've seen some new people here in the forum lately and I just want them to be aware of this chat channel too. :)
  • @unspecifiederror, thank you for the work you put into gathering this information and for sharing it with the Devoted Cleric community. :)
  • I agree. Devs, please make this happen. I'd love to keep in touch with my fellow Devoted Clerics in the custom chat channel for leader-role classes (NWO-Leaders, come join us!) when I've got spare time but not in-game. :)
  • 20 pages and the closest thing to a Dev response is a stealth-move of the thread out of the forum where it did belong and into a forum where it will receive less exposure. Nice. That's me being sarcastic because it's not nice at all. I've said it before and I want to reiterate it: I would really like a developer who plays…
  • Very nice write-up for beginner Devoted Clerics. Thanks for putting this together, keetster1.
  • I agree with those sentiments. While I do think it's possible to get through to 50 with the abilities we have 1-50, I don't think that they have done a good job at designing the progression of abilities. In my opinion, a good design would be to introduce the abilities which Devoted Clerics use the most at the earliest…
  • Thanks, sortune!
  • @cronis10000, while I agree that the Devoted Cleric class becomes very awesome at higher levels and that patience and dedication are key to anyone wishing to truly learn how to play a cleric well, I don't think it's necessary to use such a rude tone in stating as much. Furthermore, I do believe that a class should be fun…
  • Any player can revive a fellow player who is dying (on their hands and knees, able to call for help, 15 second countdown until they actually die). But no class has the ability to resurrect (bring a dead player back to life) without using a scroll.
  • I can't speak from experience (I'm only level 44 atm) but sounds like it makes a lot of sense. I do want the Devs to fix it so that heal applies to everyone that was in range of the encounter power that proc'd the heal, but I'd love to get that a non-Righteousness debuffed self-heal every time I used an encounter power.
  • I understand the Devs may think making too many abilities available at too early a level has some drawbacks: if they give very powerful abilities at early levels then they have to balance against that by making content more different at the early levels.; if they give lots of abilities at early levels then some people will…
  • I haven't read this entire thread but, as a Devoted Cleric, I want to let all of you Guardian Fighters know that I really hope Cryptic fixes all your issues. I would be thrilled to see a Guardian Fighter class with the ability to catch and hold agro while taking whatever damage is dished out and still coming back for more!…
  • Another day passed, another page of posts added to this thread, and still no word from Cryptic.
  • If you've having trouble staying alive, I'd advise using the cleric companion. (I know, it's ridiculous that a cleric needs to use a cleric companion to stay alive. You can thank the dev's and their 40% self-healing debuff (Righteousness) for that one.) When soloing, I used Sunburst, Healing Word and Chains of Blazing…
  • I can't speak for every single cleric, but when I "run from adds" what I actually do is remain in relatively small space, moving just far enough out of red-splat range as possible. Unfortunately, when every add is focusing on you, you dodge one mob's red splat just in time for another one to appear, thus making you need to…
  • 50% Damage Reduction?! Sign me up! Hope the Devs do something about that soon.
  • It would be great to get someone associated with Cryptic to acknowledge this issue. Even a "we're aware of the bug, we're determining how to fix it" type of post would earn a lot of gratitude. :)
  • Done. Too bad they don't sell Scroll of Developer Summoning in the Zen shop. :p
  • Forum moderators, please sticky this thread. :)
  • I don't want them to remove our ability to choose whether or not I use Divinity on my encounter spells. For example, I want to be able to choose whether or not to use Divinity with Sunburst because I may or may not want the knockback effect. Nor do I want them to rework the entire Divinity system to give us a 4th encounter…
  • I loathe when I accidentally find myself using either of these abilities because I either forgot to switch out of Divinity or accidentally double-tapped Tab and stayed in Divinity. Everytime it happens, I feel like someone in the group probably noticed and now thinks I'm a complete newbie. Edit: n..oob is considered foul…
  • Yeah, what regnorvex said! I really appreciate all of the guides and discussions in this forum. They answer the questions that I never knew I had until someone asked and answered them for me. :)
  • I would really like a developer who plays a Devoted Cleric "as their main" to come here and explain why they think Righteousness should not be removed, at least when in a full group. If they really believe they have good reasons to keep this mechanic in place when a cleric is in a full group, then I would sincerely like to…
  • I agree: Punishing Light and Soothing Light are currently a waste of divine power. I'm sure the developers didn't intend for this to be the true; why would they take the time to code in such a mechanic if their intention was that we never actually use them? In which case, they really need to address improving these…
  • idiocyincarnate, thanks a lot for putting this together :)