This game is going to do nothing but seriously HAMSTER off people who spent money acquiring all these broken items. There is no win-win fix here. You either get screwed for investing in these or the game goes on and we pretend it's all just WAI.
You do realize that most people aren't even getting 1 bag of bones per event right? And you do know the blue dog comes from the bag of bones right? And now you realize how HAMSTER your post is right?
Beginning to hate this company and I really don't care if they know it. An event that gives items that feel unique to the couple of classes that dominate it. BOP Items so when we get loot it feels more "special" even if we get it and can't use it and have to scrap it for 1.5g. So basically, what I'm hearing is they've…
It is seriously pissing me off that they aren't addressing this. One or 2 classes are dominating the event while everyone else looks on getting screwed up the *** and Cryptic won't even say anything.
Stop talking out of your ***. Rogues are not the highest dps class in the game, not even close. They may have the highest single target damage per attack in the game. They do nothing unless they have single targets with high HP to attack and even then the more targets there are the less damage they contribute.
In complete agreement. The event was clever thinking and much appreciated in the way of adding an entertaining element to the game. However, this event is highly in favor of AOE attacks of which the TR has 3 and none of them are as fast or devastating as other class aoes. It would be better to throw a single target high hp…
I appreciate everyone's input, this made for a great read when I got home from work. It is interesting to see delve into people's character through their responses. I came about this question after trading an adventurer for a pair of steel shears. Knowing full well the value of each I have put into practice trading my…
All I have running through my mind right now is --- we have an issue with the Auction House that is going to completely HAMSTER off our customers again... let's work on the launcher instead o.O? and by work I mean break... -_-
I think the majority of the legitimate players support a full wipe. Unfortunately with this lot it wouldn't be likely even if they hadn't said they wouldn't wipe, because either way they would need to refund money or zen to players who made purchases and I don't think they have the slightest inclination to do so.
The next person who brings up the open beta over soft launch debate (be it player,mod or a developer themself) slap the stupid sob with this link: Why did the lead producer say nothing to the contrary when he was was…
What are you talking about? People have been buying the keys and selling them for ad that people made. The items you are seeing in large quantities were farmed. As far as I know the only issue they are addressing is related to the level requirement on some items showing up incorrectly.
Stop blowing smoke up our asses. "I wish that we were able to change this behavior"--- Bull****. If you wanted to change the behavior you could. It's called programming, because you program the application to do what you want it to do. The necessity of a rollback or wipe was understandable, but the fact that you screwed…
Not that I condone any of this, but after you build up enough AD that you want to transfer, why wouldn't you just post some piece of HAMSTER item for an exorbitant price that no one but you would pay?
The hell we can't complain. Personally, I didn't think I'd have anything to complain about. Then they froze up the AH until items that should have sold for 130K-150K went for 10ad. Now you ask why should it matter because it's free 2 play. Well it matters because we aren't all leeches who simply play for free. Some of us…
This is complete BS. take your flipping gift and shove it where the sun don't shine. I want my auction items back not 11ad for an item that should have sold for 10000-15000x that but because you decided to let the auctions expire we get punished. I wouldn't care if you rolled back the game to the beginning and lost…
I dunno about anyone else, but I noticed it was all stuff I've never wanted and it can't be traded of course because then we'd affect the market. Truthfully I could care less. I just want a bug free AH back up and running that is the biggest nuisance right now.
Apparently no one wants to wait to find out what the other items are before blowing a gasket. Although I must say at the moment it doesn't sound entirely impressive. If what I heard is true there are going to be some seriously peeved people with expensive items that were bought out at minimal AD because of AH…
I don't know how other's feel about this, but I am of the opinion that all items on the AH should be returned to their owners due to the fact that we don't know what affects there still might be on the games economy. I would like to not see items immediately bought out and resold for inflated prices by people who have…
This is why they said in the Q&A... that they put at the beginning of this thread... That this will handle the majority of the problem and the rest will be dealt with on an account by account basis as they continue to research the issue.
It's hopeless, I've tried to explain this to them, but for some reason they seem to think single transactions are measured in gigabytes and they don't believe anyone can possibly afford to house that much data.
By the way... I hope the guy who made $6000 selling to third parties remembers to claim it on his taxes... if not it's gonna suck for him the way the IRS is coming after people now.
Are you kidding. He looks like Bond right now. He screwed over gold sellers. Despite the fact that everyone else suffered minor inconveniences, this man is a hero to F2P games everywhere. He is a martyr and his account will be gone, but the fact that he stuck it to a bunch of gold sellers whose accounts will most likely be…
You miss the purpose of the perma bans. it's not to permanently ban someone from playing. It's to permanently ban an account from access thus removing it from the economy and forcing that player to start over as a punishment.
People who are pathetically whining about quitting because they are only doing a 7 hour rollback should simply move on. It's getting tiresome. You can't appease everyone and there were a very small number of people quietly doing this prior to then and 99.9% of the community knew nothing about it and said nothing about it…