1: this I kinda agree with, but as it's based on 4e, and I've never played 4e I couldn't tell you how it's run there 2: again, 4e. 4e has no multiclassing 3: not touching this issue, I don't know anything about it, nor do I care, really
Shows just how much you know.. Lvl 60 Monk, no cash, stacks up there with anyone else in Hell/Inferno (just not yet able to do monster levels, because I haven't finished gearing/leveling (Paragon levels) it)
I can personally call this false, there are at least 2 that I know of. Also, as said before D&D is PvE. if you expected PvP in a D&D-based game you're in the wrong place
> 12:00 a.m. PDT: At this time (and after careful consideration), we've decided to not move forward with rolling back the servers. We feel that this is the best course of action given the nature of the dupe, how relatively few players used it, and the fact that its effects were fairly limited within the region. We've been…
Get out the old pen and paper and play real D&D, mages have 4 hp (minus con mod), barbs have up to 12 per level (minus con mod) yet I could still squash a barb at range, but if that barb hits me, I'm dead. a rogue is a little of both, it can get up and close, but it doesn't have a lot of HP, wizards keep them at range,…
funny.. I hear nothing but complaints about wizards being OP.. now rogues? what's next? Clerics heal for too much? this game, as it stands is perfectly imbalanced, and I hope to god it STAYS that way. D&D is based on perfect imbalance Figure out your class, and learn how to counter what you think is OP, and you'll find…
run > CMD use command "ipconfig /flushdns" saves reboot time.. if that doesn't work try these two in order: ipconfig /release (this disconnects you from a valid IP address) ipconfig /renew (restores the connection)
also depends on your power supply and if it can handle it.. here's my settings list:PrefEntry GfxSettings.Antialiasing 1 PrefEntry GfxSettings.AspectRatio 0 PrefEntry GfxSettings.AutoEnableFrameRateStabilizer 0 PrefEntry GfxSettings.BloomIntensity 1 PrefEntry GfxSettings.BloomQuality 0 PrefEntry…
actually, no. dx11 will increase the speed. Also, have you checked your internet connection? That might be a factor as well. (and there are some other options in troubleshooting to check)
2 staple classes NW is missing: Monk and Druid.. I was very happy to see this game come out, I just hope to God that PWE doesn't ruin it with their microtransations.