Update: We may have located the problem. We had over 10 of our people on same instance to prevent pugs from interfering. Then came to this theory "we found that if 3 people on the same instance take the quest and 1 fail, all on that instance running that quest will fail". So no matter if my trainee is alive and doing well,…
On behalf of entire Sanctuary guild, I can tell you we're all frustrated with this quest. Random fails with no explanation whatsoever. I wonder if anyone tested this quest before releasing new mod. This is one vote, one post, but believe me, you don't want to see Sanctuary guild chat atm. Also, my personal issue is fishing…
Update: tracert detected packet lost on - ip resolves to "AS174 COGENT-174 - Cogent Communications, US (registered May 16, 1996)" "Resolve Host te0-0-1-0.rcr11.b002133-1.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com "
At this point, I must ask - why is this illegal or called a scam? Some guy is offering to buy/sell something at certain rate and if you agree to that trade, how are you scammed? Scam is when someone advertize one price and when you give him items, he changes price or runs away before paying OR he give you worthless item…
If it's tradeable on AH, it's not useless. Hence why neither Kessel's, Formorian nor Onyx aren't named as useless. If the post is "repeated" (sort of speak) every month or so, maybe someone should put some effort to implement it. After all, it's the community who is asking for it.
First of all, thank you for your reply. While I wrote this, I had in mind "Courage Breaker", but that one is not even close to problem I mentioned and here is why: 1. CB is daily power, not encounter. Encounter can be casted every 10 to 20 sec. Can anyone spam dailies faster than encounters? 2. CB does not knock you prone.…
TEMPORARY SOLUTION - send items to yourself(mailbox), then take them back. When game put items into your inventory, it stacks. When you do it yourself, it opens refining window.
You are so wrong if you think this does not reflect on Cryptic (even if they are truly not to blame). Think about it - they offer a service that is impossible to consume. Not because of them, but still impossible to consume. Imagine it like this: great company offer to sell great car in a country where driving is forbidden…
1. How can 200ms hop cause 50 seconds (FIFTY) of Server not responding? 2. Most of these problems (if not all) started recently. I am not talking about frame drops, but about rubberbanding (when you get teleported around with "Server not responding" popping from time to time). And you're telling me JUST when MOD3 was…
1. History - taken days before screenshot contest started. I followed GF (on my left) up to the top to score a kill, but soon, I noticed these two. HR in front of me and GF left from me are opposing team, while TR diagonal from my position is my team. We were all flagged for PVP. HR appears to be floating because he was…
I can confirm massive lags close to "Server not responding (5 sec)" in Kessell's. My teammmates and enemies teleport in front of me, some of them yell "LAAG" as well, sometimes we die and so on. I lowered setting to minimum but the problem is exactly the same.
I disagree with OP. I have perfect bark and I can confirm - you get damage on 1st hit (when I have all 3 charges). Your problem is - your enemy either moved (teleporting/sliding/dodging/...) so you get 0 damage because of that immunity OR (more likely) your encounter is not that powerful (it does less damage than fully…
LMAO You mean... from an encounter that pops once every 30 min or so (and if you are lucky, you get there in time), then to be lucky to get epic drop from it, then to be lucky enough so that drop be Black Ice Gloves and not some other epic HAMSTER (that you can't even use, so your only option is salvaging). You mean "just"…
I reported a bug some time ago, but they are yet to fix it. Impossible to Catch: when you press it, first it goes on cooldown, and then, few milliseconds later, it applies it's effect. Problem is - you press it, enemy uses CC on you before it's effect is applied, and you get knocked prone or something similar. So ability…
OP: You, Sir, are correct. I had a felling this will be bugged, too. Description in queue list says 12K GS and 20% resistance. That's all. But we still cannot queue. Someone is not doing his job, over and over and over..... It is unbelievable how much frustration these kind of problems bring and after all the effort that…
Final update - BUG IDENTIFIED: In two weeks I tried to recreate conditions which led to my original problem (WhitePearl/Nothing for Adamantine gauntlet) and it always worked (which is a good thing). I even got that artifact (just once :) ), but yesterday, I managed to get WHITE PEARL again. Way to go is: you go into ANY…
Update #2: Dread spire completed, got 2 peridots (listed item from Adamantine G.), so in this case - no problem. The only thing to test is doing Dread spire on Saturday and Sunday (and recreate previous conditions, from original post).
Update: Today's reward from Arcane coffer located in Death Forge was 1XLesser mark of potency (one of listed rewards of Adamantine gauntlet). So this coffer does work. I'll post one more update once I open the one in Dread Spire again (both previous problems were on weekend days).
Really? And you think this kind of trading does not occur in real life? And you want to punish traders for stupidity/laziness of other people. This trading is possible because people pay before they think. May I ask you, kind Sir, whose fault is that?
I can't even begin to describe all the rage about this. What I'm really interested about is the mind-setting of a person who came up with the idea of changing existing roll queue into this.
There is a foundry quest which does something like this. It was created by player named Obsidian Heart who 'married' our guild leader - Azeryk. I (JESUS) was a witness on the ceremony :D If you are interested in playing this foundry: ID: NW-DNOH2FYGI Name: "The Wedding" (not the red one) Author: Obsidian Heart Average…
If you suspect of some problem, always check "Bugs" section of this forum. You may find same problem posted there ;) Valindra's chest problem: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?544951-Valindra-s-Tower-DD-Chest-(not-activating) No info on when will be fixed. Other big problem is wrong item drops (HR getting DC…
Kind Sir, you are correct. To make it more clear, this is my conclusion: - Person A opens the chest. If a person B tried to open it before the chest completely closes, spoken bug will occur. Chest will continue to sparkle, person B may try to open it again, but will not get "loot" popup and chest will close immediately.…