Bleed can definitely stack past 10. With 2 rogues it stacks to 20. The problem is that only one of the rogues actually gets calculated the damage, all of the damage, effectively stealing the other rogues damage number on the chart. The damage is however dealt to the boss, so it is not a real DPS loss, just a lie on the… Cast a vote in a real poll, this one's clearly biased.
You honestly think the current implementation of chat ban is fair? You think it's okay for people to be able to single innocent players out and degrade their online experience just for fun? They could leave the ban system in place and reduce the time to ten minutes and it would still dissuade players from abusing the…
So you're the kind of person that just makes things up in order to defend your side of the argument? Nice to know there's no point in wasting time explaining things to you.
You should only be banned from the channel you were reported in. There should also be a short expiration on the reports adding up. Make it so all 20 reports have to happen within 2-3 hours of gameplay (a good average total time spent online in one day) 8AM you get overzealous and post 3x the same message, get 10 reports,…
You've stacked way too much crit, and are severely undervaluing Armor Pen. It's been tested enough to conclude Armor Pen is checked before debuffs (Plague Fire) but never counted after the enemy has calculated 0% or lower defense. This means in order to maximize the amount of negative damage reduction possible, you need…
Currently my rotation on boss fights is: Stealth > Lurkers > Flurry > Lashing Blade > Shadow Strike > Stealth > Flurry, repeat at stealth or Shadow Strike (whichever comes first) It's always best to use Stealth after the first two Flurry hits, allows you to get a full second Flurry and Lashing in the same stealth if you…
Do you mind explaining why you take "Cunning Stalker" (20% AP gain while stealthed) VS "Underhanded Tactics" (20% increased Combat Effectiveness bonus)? Seems to be the Combat Effectiveness would add much more dps, as it is working while you're Stealthed or while you're out of stealth and positioned properly, and compounds…