Most people use a wired controller first off. If you bought a wireless controller, do you have it even setup with windows in general? As for the game itself, in this past beta, it appeared that the controller option was disabled. Most folks are using xpadder (a paid application) or Joy2key (free but slightly harder to use)…
hey guys... been away for a bit... i guess a lot has happened. :) all good things. It is unfortunate that there is a barrier... but I can see the reason for it on a few levels. First, I think it is important for anyone who wants to design content to have an understanding of the game play. I am sure that there are folks out…
that sounds pretty cool... but you already know I am a fan of the other "deeper" adventure too. I gotta get crackin... i have too many unworked ideas... and zero idea of how the foundry really will play out.
While some people find A, A, A fun... but disallowing A, A, A helps the greater good of locking down potential exploits. I don't pretend to know the balance in what would work. (maybe 2times and locked isnt the answer... maybe its 5 or 20...) I am just saying that if you don't want things exploited, and you don't want…
I don't see that as exploiting. If you want to build an instance that has the max number of mobs at whatever difficulty you set it for... from what I understand the game will hand you the already set xp and loot for the experience. you don't have to have an ounce of plot, dialogue or puzzle solving etc. it can just be a…
My personal style of play is such that I have no real concern for the masses. I am casual now, and care more about a good game than getting to end game content beating it and sitting around complaining that there is nothing to do. I've done that. I don't need to sit in the middle of Neverwinter showing off my gear... I've…
yeah, i wasn't suggesting that anyone else is less excited or anything :) every time i watch this video in particular i go into drool-mode
yep... but this is par for the course with any mmo-wait. People want it good and they want it yesterday. So people get anxious. I want the game to be good, and I want it yesterday (a few months ago really).... but I realize that regardless of what I want... I'm still going to have to wait. So I try not to complain. today i…
Not really a problem though if they were to implement it. I'm sure it would wind up being a common question--- where are you on the slider? Plus you could have the real numbers exist (and they would have to), they could even live in the dmg log... just the onscreen display would be divided and rounded off --- simply…
While I really don't care too much about the big vs little numbers... i do think the little numbers are more in the DnD spirit of things. I think it would be cool to have a cosmetic "Divide by 1000-ish" option aka "Old School Damage"--- worth suggesting, but I wouldn't want to see them waste dev time on it or anything as a…
right, i see your point, as well as the point of bigger numbers giving more room for fine tuning. That all makes sense. But there has to be a middle ground somewhere. As I mentioned I have seen this with WOW (the easiest example for me) --- in the beginning you are getting +5 stat to gear (hypothetically...) and by your…
I absolutely agree with you on that. I really don't need huge numbers... and prefer not having them... but as they used to say on espn "chicks dig the long ball". I guess the mentality is that you have to have the big numbers to show your game is awesome? no idea. I always thought a game like wow in which i played from…
I'm sort of disappointed to hear that. while I like F2P, I would be happy to subscribe to a game that was worth it. But i guess I could always spend 15$ a month in the shop if I really felt like it.
yeah i think that's my feeling on it. It was a cheapo game that i got on xbox live. It had a nice action rpg feel to it... it was fun. It's not like i expected it to be dragon age 3 or anything. I feel like too many people expect games to be AAA titles ALL the time.