I played through and reviewed everyone's quests except brazilianbraid. I couldn't find The Mysterious Woman, is it still up? Thank you again! Looking for more people to review!
@harbingerdrum, @aaldaemon, @adylhere, @vephid, @sarlacc1979: I played and reviewed all of your quests. @harbingerdrum: I'll check out the other 3 parts of your story when I have another daily. I also took into consideration all of your input and updated my map accordingly. Hopefully it has plenty of detail and polish now.…
Thank you all for reviewing. I really appreciate it. I'm working on adding your suggestions and playing through your maps. The general consensus seems to be to tone down the undead area, and add more detail. In the next iteration I added floating buildings and rocks, and leaned some of the objects around. I'm also working…