My guess would be that many of the people I play with would prefer this type of new content over anything else they have announced. There doesn't really need to be abuse even involved, the pure fact is that the developers won't balance Epic dungeon encounters to make melee dps appealing. So yes, many of us, me included…
The scam about this is that before you even get the Oops message you have already divulged enough information to have filled out a survey. 1. sex, 2. age, 3. location, 4. own a dog 5. Ethnicity.... Oops you don't qualify.... really? I personally will never use them again.
O.K. so you admit that players feel under rewarded for their time in these dungeons and you know that player really only play the dungeons for the additional benefit of the end loot chest but you don't want to let people get the chest because it would overpopulate the game with items, the same items that people want so…
The pvp has the same problem as you regular pvp. It is boring and does not properly reward players correctly for participating. I hate to say it, but you have unfortunately wasted your time on this content as it currently stands. The gear is not good enough to put in the effort and the beginning collection content in PvE…