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  • This game has enough power creep. We overpower the content so much it's disappointing. Nerfs are needed before buffs in this case. I can at least agree 4pc bonuses are overall very bad. My HR has a set that grants a 20% chance on critical strike to make my next encounter deal an extra 1700 damage. You may think that sounds…
  • It's not a bad idea. But could you see the outrage of people who have spent countless hours on their CW to find out an important stat was changed and there's no way to change it? Maybe a new Presence that increases control. Not in the same way as Orb of Impulsion. Maybe it allows a higher # of targets. This buff could be…
  • this overall sums up all of the problems with these sets.
  • This is the #1 thing I miss from SWTOR. Their way of gearing is by far the best I've seen in an MMO. If you don't know. Each piece of gear has slots. An chest piece for example would have an Armoring, Modification and an Enhancement. No matter what armor you were wearing. These 3 things made up the stats. This also made it…
  • They're due for a buff. It is known. And it is in the works. Hopefully it wont take till Mod 5 to see it. And please don't act like DC's are weak. They are the 2nd most requested class in groups that don't vastly outgear the content. GWF's come into play when they can bring top tier dps while tanking. Once that happens is…
  • It's overall our only real CC. Roots don't stop ranged. And their duration is short in PvP. Also our dodges are short range. It's why we get so many. We have to use it twice to make up the range. And that also means it takes longer to travel the same distance. It has it's ups and downs. After it's change. We don't have any…
  • I somewhat agree. I do not like that as Archery I wont be using Tab much. This really seems odd to me. At best I have Throw Caution. Single target I have a few more choices. But these choices are group buffs. Which were only strong in the Nature tree. Combat I'm sure will still be using it. The didn't get much to a melee…
  • I agree and disagree. The nerf they are planning is poorly done. Unless they plan to change their dungeon design. But a nerf does need to happen to it. Instead of limiting the # of targets. Have it scar the ground of where it touches. This will debuff the ground so no Singularity can have an effect in this area for…
  • Such caps. Did you miss the "sort of"? Do you normally run into forms, caps lock blazing. Looking for the easiest target to take out of context? Even then, I'm sure my math was off anyway. I think it's the other way around. If someone has 20 AC. That's 5%. Makes it 25% effectiveness. While the guy with a GWF at 34 is…
  • That isn't much different from what we have now. CW/GWF keep everything grouped and everything falls over. Only time it changes is when there's a boss fight and it becomes AoE or kite and avoid red. Right now there is no reason to manage threat. No reason to need a healer. Dungeons are mostly a walk through at this point.…
  • It's not needed though. Different scaling would only crate confusion to new players. Easier to just give more AC to mail/plate. Also I gain 4.5% at 19ac on my HR. That's quite a difference. Although it also means 0.42% DR per AC. This is because of the formula someone stated. Because the first 10 points are useless it…
  • DotA - Very different game. But generally you still have Tank, dps, support. If you don't have a tank you will do poorly in teamfights with no one to absorb damage. Supports bring powerful buffs/situational abilities. These turn the battle. And of course if you do no damage, you wont win anything. MOBA's all have…
  • Trinity is overall already there. Tank, dps, support GWF - Tank/DPS CW - DPS/Support(CC is a supportive ability) Most groups already run a trinity. Dungeons don't fully require a tank. But A lot of this has to do with being overgeared for the content. I did a FH with a DC, CW, 2x HR and a TR. No one really tanked. We CC'd…
  • Don't higher armor types add more AC? Overall they already gain more. Maybe some Feats that increase this. Could be an armor enchant. While most are proc based. Vorpal isn't as a weapon enchant. This would give higher AC's a boost enough to maybe drop some defense and get other stats. Such as power on a GF who wants more…
  • CW - Medium damage. Great at groups. Master of AoE. Be it CC or damage. Overall I think they are MOSTLY fine. (I don't play CW either) Their damage is high. And some of their spells should be more utility based than damage. Such as Singularity. Keep the higher # of targets but either remove or lower the damage. Lowering…
  • What spec were you using? Were you using the frost ray one that will quickly give that HR a 10 stack? As you were replied to as well. You must of been under their gear level to do such little damage. People like you who bring such nonconstructive feedback should be banned. I can't think of a single post of people saying…
  • I'd like to see them limit what boons you have active. Say you can have 3 campaigns active. With the 4th coming you'll have to give up one of the first 3 to use it. This will IMO be the best path the further we go in the game. Once we get to 10 campaigns it's going to be too much for a new player to catch up. Even more so…
  • What I've gathered from this thread: 1. GF's are worse at PvP than HR. So no other class should see any attention till GF's are fixed in PvP. 2. Combat HR's will heal for 1333hp every second, always. Apparently my understanding that it has a required proc is wrong. 3. Combat HR's are broken on live now, only the above heal…
  • The system is fine. It just needs fine tuning to match the progression of the game. I say they fix two problems in one. Lower the AD you get from Leadership and add in some refinement rewards. Mostly BoP rewards. Some can be BoE. Can't have everyone spamming out sapphires on 20 alts. Before someone asks what this has to do…
  • Singularity scars the ground beneath, making further Singularities less effective. Mobs like Blademasters here and there in trash mobs. Mobs that always stay focused on the first target to grab threat. Outside of a taunt(maybe). Mini-bosses. Ones that would focus more on single target dps to get through them. Often…
  • Hopefully Mod 4 will fix a lot of the rebalancing DC's need(not buffs, not nerfs). They are in fact very strong. When they are at the proper gear level for the content. But when you start getting to those high GS's where a group of GWF/CW's can clear everything all other classes becomes not as needed. Even groups being…
  • I'd like to add to this. I'd like to see it work differently. Instead of just more damage. -Increased number of targets. Making it stronger depending on the situation. About as creative as "more damage" but any buff would be nice -Have it auto-proc Split the Sky on by charging targets. Split the Sky is very situational.…
  • Dailies are fine Just make them more impactful. I don't even have a boon 5 yet and I'm already looking at turning in 6 days of prayer to speed it up. Feels like only one quest in each area becomes important after the first couple weeks. Personally think they should rework currencies. Make them all account bound. And make a…
  • My Aim Shot has the same problem. It's my main source of single target damage. Otherwise I drop 30% damage for rapid shots. When you see red, you move. Don't finish casing your spell. Move. Split the Sky also suffers from this. (Trying to cast this so I can get the slow when mobs chasing me hit me has killed me a few…
  • I get that. Not saying you're out there to keep Foundries down. Was mostly just thinking outloud. But it still comes out the same way. I fail to see how any of this matters. There are so very many ways to deal with this. -Skill Nodes must be surrounded by mobs. Meaning one can't just stealth to it. -Skill Nodes can only be…
  • Not fully sure I understand this. What can be abused in Foundries that cannot in Dungeons? Aside from the difficulty selection. In which you just get minimal rewards for. Maybe no rewards ta all if need be. If it takes a challenge as high as a T1 Dungeon for a level 60 to get rewards. How is it any different.
  • Again, it's already based off a feat we have. It's just balanced better for all gear levels. Also GF's reduces all encounter CD's by 10%. Ours focuses on Ranger stance. It's actually a problem I have with the upcoming changes for Archery and Combat. We overall gain little to nothing from the other stance. We become a class…
  • I'm new to IWD. But how many bears are there usually in that encounter? If it's few, then yes the HR is going to do better because of how he is being built. Go do the barbarian one and see how they compare. I'm quite sure the superior AoE of the CW will fair better. Considering you still have that Hr vs 4CW video in your…
  • It's an unforgiving system. But to me the real problem is the lack of AD sinks. Just look at the cost to upgrade a mount. 2mil AD. That's 4000 Zen right now. It'd be more if it was lower than 500ad per zen. No one outside of people with more AD than time would buy that. Seems everything worth an AD sink is put into events…
  • I really don't feel like it fits Neverwinters F2P theme. What would it provide? Would such a thing be exploitable by someone spending $15(1500 Zen) for one month, getting everything they can out of it, then not using it? Such as a +20% increase to all refinement, making pres wards better than coal in theory. Also with pres…