I don't even care about "double zen" -- I think a "VIP" sub option (like in LOTRO) where you pay a fixed fee per month for certain perks -- for example, cash shop currency, bank slot, bags - would be welcomed by many. In LOTRO, for the "VIP" fee, you get 500 points for the shop, access to premium classes, and a few other…
The problem in pvp if two clerics are rolling your team is that you aren't targeting the healers and CC'ing them. Which is always the issue in pvp....player skill, right? You can't expect to dps through a healer healing...that defeats the purpose of having healers. You are supposed to CC' stun or otherwise limit the…
First off, I strongly believe that free to play or buy to play with a cash shop is the way of the future with mmo's -- subscription games are going the way of the dodo. Cash shop games are WILDLY more profitable for companies and offer lower barrier to entry to consumers, greatly expanding the player base (at least at the…