You almost never, in my experience, ever fail Tiamat due to adds. It's always a lack of dps or buffs/debuffs on tiamat herself that's the problem. If you want to win a large portion of your runs, I would highly advise going Renegade and grabbing Chaos Magic + Nightmare Wizardry at least. These two buffs alone can carry…
Well I heard you can drop your controller and get a triple kill with permastun. A friend of mine is thinking of getting a second xbox and Kinect so his guinea pig can start streaming TR.
You got me agent00spliff. I just play terrible TR's. The CW's I see running Icy Terrain usually get melted and my rogue ends at 100% hp. Trying to be helpful here buddy.
You must not play good CW's bro. I've played it from both sides, against multiple people on the top 10 pages. As rogue and CW. They asked for advice.. I'm giving it from both sides. Any rogue stupid enough to stand in that... well deserve to die.
Don't even bother with ice floor <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, its garbage. Just stick to high dps single target encounters that CONTROL. You need to blow him up outside of his ITC and stealth meter.
trappers and CW's can both take a proper dump on permastealths if they know what they're doing. In a 1v1 situation really it could go either way, depending on who makes a/more mistake(s). Permastealth can be dealt with in a quick fashion if you have two people that can double up on him for a couple seconds. You really need…
Who cares, this argument is like a woman nitpicking. Some people call it DDOS, some call it cheating, some call it DC'ing... It's all essentially achieving the same result. Why keep trolling each other over something so small?? I hope this issue is resolved anyways.
Will this address the bug with abandoning Factional Assets Andy? I was in a group of friends and everyone was stuck at the same part, so I decided to try to see if abandoning and reclaiming fixed it... but apparently it left me worse off. Hopefully people who also did the same won't be penalized and left lagging behind…
So if people wipe on the boss fight, you can still VTK if they are severely lacking and holding the group back before attempting again. This limit really seems like a ridiculously bad idea that will be abusable.
It's simple, when any boss is engaged the group kick feature should be disabled. If the boss dies group kick should be disabled for up to 3 minutes or however long it takes for the loot rolls to disperse... This is all that really needs to change. The other stuff being implemented is just going to hurt groups overall.
there's nothing wrong with rogue at the moment. Sounds like you're having a gear issue. The damage is equal to that of other ranged classes. CW, HR, and SW are all pretty good, with SW lagging behind slightly. SW are squishy as, but they 1 shot all day from a distance when geared. HR can guarantee you miss your opener with…
lol. ive been killed from 100 to 0 in 2 seconds while stunned the whole time from a guardian fighter... at 13k GS with good tenacity. get better gear, every class is viable if played right. Now my rogue is over 16k GS and yeah I tear people up... but I tear people up nasty on my control wizard who is 13k even more, I can…
Every class can be viable as long as it's played properly. Sure you can pay to have a better chance, but ultimately there's still classes that can destroy overgeared players if played right. GWF/GF/SW are about the only classes that really get gimped from the start, but once they get gear or play with other classes that…
GT: Celicos I've got three 60's (TR Tales@Celicos + DC Athena@Celicos +GWF MistaNasti@Celicos) and do both pvp and pve, looking for a solid team to guild to run with. Definitely interested, shoot me a message when ya get time Rip.