missed this, and agree, Again why master looter seems to be the only way forward, u make sure the classes that can use the item roll and not the others. its not what we wished for, but only solution if u play with strangers.
very sry to offend u with my non perfect English....lol.... and yes torskaldr in my Groups the people fighting gets the gear they need. lets say a rogue chest drops, we have a rogue WHO needs it, but the cleric wants to sell it, ok. so u say let cleric roll? what if it was opposite.... cleric gear drops, rogue needs it?…
sadly found that its easier to ask in zone chat for party than to queue, think this might have to due with the fact many still are unfamiliar with stuff lol. but ya new game, so give it some time tbh. not many are 60 yet:)
end of the day u decide what kind of person u wanna be. so if u wanna be sure not to have Ninjas, lead the Group, and put master looter. be fair and give correct loot, and there rly is no problem. only ninjaes will moan:)
so u would need on an item just to sell it for Money....where as others in your team actually NEED that item. so if your class loot drops we should all just need that too, just so we can sell it to u lol. i think not. grow up, not how it Works, and get some decency while u are at it pls. your statement is what makes me put…
tbh ninjaing is only solved by master looter. if u cant get a Group of decent folks that know not to need on stuff they "cant use for their class, and i dont mean sell" then put on master looter. usually i start a Group and say straight of, only need on your class items, what u are actually gonna Wear and then need. greed…
this game has potential, or would have if they would fix some main issues asap. Crafting = ridiculous. come on, this rly the best u could come up with??? crafting is basically pointless how it is. u will be out leveled the gear u can craft when u can craft it. dungeons ok......but ya we sure do need to make sure to loot…