I agree. I can't speak for the other poster, or anyone else for that matter, but I'd be happy to share my feedback as to why I do not have interest in Arc as yet. First, let me open with the fact that I use Steam. I'm not a Steam fanboy, and I don't have a particularly evangelical bent, but it serves it's purpose for me…
I can't speak with authority on this, so this is speculation based on years of experience working with integrated systems and observations about their security protocols regarding authentication, but I expect that that data is being used to support their session handling and maintenance across disparate nodes within a…
I don't use Arc, and wouldn't be one to normally defend it, but I'm curious what your concern is regarding the information included in header packets. If you connect through a router, the router is aware of your machine's IP, MAC, and your ISP IP. Both your IP and the ISP's IP are public. Even if you only ever connect…
I agree. And that comports with what has been said by mods, as well as what is in the FAQ provided. I thought that it might be informative or useful feedback that there is a subset of their player base who do not feel the lack of not having the 'service' they're proposing to offer. And for whom the status quo, in that…
What I'll say is this. Steam is not exclusive to games from a particular company or publisher. Steam already provides the service that Arc is proposing to 'solve'. All of the issues that Arc is supposed to solve, could be just as easily solved with a proper SOA regardless of the launcher or game client. For myself, I only…
Steam is my preferred portal, if I have to use one at all. I'd prefer to just have an application installed without having a 'loader' for it. I don't really care if it's an option for other people, so long as I can keep using what I'm using I'll be happy.
I have a decent system myself, and the game's recommended settings are at everything maxed. I normally have no trouble with the game, except in PE in high population instances. If there are fewer than 80-90 people in the instance, everything is smooth, 35-40 FPS. If it gets above 100 people in PE, it gets really choppy in…
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I expect that what's happening is that it IS throwing an error on the back-end, but that that error is getting caught... try( quest.publishToServer(); ) catch(OverBudgetException e) { log("..."); } rather than thrown or handled intelligently. So it LOOKS like the quest publishes from the…
The reason I ask is because I went to make my 91st costume and it threw an error message saying that I'd exceeded the costume budget, but didn't prevent me from making further costumes. After which, my quest would say that it published, but would not update the 'in game' version. 90 seems like an odd number for a budget,…
Something Rotten by @machinator99 NW-DFCWGMHJV ==================================== Played, review, starred, and tagged. Overall: The quest is fine, in so much as it works and isn't too hard or broken. There are a lot of details to work on, and I think that it's important to rework the encounters you have, but the flow of…
I've played through this again, here are my notes. I'm not going to get nearly as detailed as last time, but many of the thoughts from the first run seem to still be valid; floating/sunken houses, etc. I did upgrade this to a 4/5. To get to 5 you'll need to fix some remaining floating things and add more detail in general,…
Saving Lameer @cristakat NW-DAIPRDQUX ==================================== Played, reviewed, starred, tagged. I would have tipped but I've evidently used up my tipping for the day already. Overall: This is a very enjoyable quest, with some interesting story elements and fun characters. I think you've done a whole lot more…
Hidden Valley Ranch @waryur NW-DCSHCVKQ3 ==================================== Overall: The quest, overall, is entertaining and I like the different patterns of speech for the different characters. I think that you've done an admirable job with the costumes. The setting could use some attention, as I've listed some points…
Grinding Arena @lyradel NW-DCUFFTNS4 ==================================== Overall: This quest is as advertised, a quick, no frills, arena. I have some detailed notes below, but mostly I'll just provide feedback here. I soloed this with a 38 rogue in mediocre gear. I chose the red flame every time and didn't need to use a…
A Vacation in the Hill Country by @guitarzan698 NW-DHPPFCRU4 ==================================== Overall: This quest seems like it got knocked silly by with the bork hammer. I'd strongly recommend that you give it a play through yourself and take a look at what happens in the Inn when you get back from The Pit. All things…
Enchanted Castle by @ladykathleen55 NW-DU7IXVVDR ==================================== Played, reviewed, rated, tagged, and tipped. Overall: This is a cute quest with some interesting story-telling elements. For a first shot with the Foundry it's not bad. There are design and dialogue issues, but in general the quest worked…
Crimson Descent by @myrmecoleon NW-DRWNLMGYV ==================================== Played, starred, tipped, and tagged. Overall: This is a VERY well put together quest. Everything flowed nicely, there's a whole lot of detail and lore thrown in, the combat isn't overdone, but still offers something interesting. Just, great…
Typoland population me. I'm gonna go wiiith, sure, why not. I do remember being quite purposeful about it's placement, but I can't remember why now. Yep, I should be flogged. No excuses, and NO idea what I was thinking. Ick, will fix Hrm. HRRMRMMM. Yeah, I'll figure something out. Probably a combination of moving them…
I'm on it! Seriously, thank you for taking a run through it. In the Inn? Hrm, I'll take another look at that. When you said hidden portal I thought, "YAY someone did the side-quest!" Now I has a sad 'cause I'm pretty sure you're talking about the portal in the inn. Anyway...yeah, last image is from the side-quest. Yeah, I…
A difficulty slider can be one of several things, but they are typically triggered off of optional dialogue. Basically, you can set encounters, walls, traps, etc, to appear/disappear based on 'dialogue prompt reached'. You set, for each map, an object or NPC in the story to allow someone to indicate their difficulty…
Oh, no. I wasn't saying that it's a bug. I was suggesting that IF you wanted the objects to show a name, rather than 'press x to interact', you can just check the 'interactable' checkbox on them. I've found that if you JUST check the 'interactable' checkbox, and give the object a name, but don't type anything in the…
The Botanqarium: Raggyon by @basilisque NW-DGIZVSQPU Played, reviewed, starred, tipped =============================== Overall: I liked this chapter quite a bit. I am really liking the story and look forward to the next part. A couple of points. First, the combat gets a liiiitle bit over the top during 'The Drop'. Now,…
Tomb of the Demonslayer by @thescy NW-DC3ADRKKR Played, starred, reviewed, tipped. =============================== Overall: This is a decent quest that needs some polish. There are a number of elements that seem out of place or unexplained and the special touches are lacking in a few spots. The broad feedback I'd offer is…
The Lair of Marungolos by @niro996 NW-DQYRB3ACD Played and reviewed =============================== Overall: I liked this quest. There's some detail work to be done, and some minor story points that I offered below in my detailed feedback. I gave this a 4/5. Without the riddles, the puzzle, and the crash to give it a sense…
I'm planning on running this tomorrow, or friday at the latest. I wanted to get to it tonight but got busy. I'll update the thread with my notes once I've completed my run.
The Forgotten Company by @sarlac1979 NW-DT7OM76K2 ==================================== Overall: I liked this quest! I went into it without a lot of expectations, and it pleasantly surprised me. The combat was challenging, a bit rough at times, but not so far out there that it wasn't doable. The story was reasoned and…
The Merchant's Tower by @boudiccia NW-DC3LB6TZ9 ==================================== Played and reviewed Overall: This quest isn't bad. Story wise it's alright, although some pieces felt a bit lacking. Like, why Willbur's wife doesn't have more to say, why does the mission end with me just bailing, where does the treasure…
Yeah, I tried to use the word 'prick'. As in, "with which to prick your finger". No dice. Prick is certainly used, in some contexts, as a derogatory remark. But it's no where near a racial slur, and is not even close to profane. That's like filtering dongle (not that it's likely to be used) because it sounds funny.