If you are going to make new zones harder then it makes sense for players to have to have reached a certain level before they can enter. icewind is pretty tough in places so it makes sense. im not sure if its the ideal way to do it, but the way they have set the game up, its probably the best they can do.
Neither. I already have a mount, and even if i did not its pretty much irrelevant to the questions. I'm also not complaining about anything. I was calmly asking more experienced players why the pricing was what it was and the logic of the level/quality ranks that seems to break its own rules. it seemed to make little sense…
That is a good point that I did not consider. I guess I'm also used to, and like, a certain level of conformity on STO. Prices seem to follow a logical pattern, where here they differ by sometimes quite considerable amounts based on how cool it looks. Something I will just have to get used to. Thanks.
npc clusters could also come with several default animations: Village/towns folk for easy population of large cities with light walking set up an angry mob with torches and pitchforks (in honour of every game forum ever). City guards/watch - possibly in formation to suggest being ready for battle or training exercises.…
You covered a lot there, so most of my main ideas and wishes seem to be covered. 1) Even with the current cluster of walls they tend to be a bit short. I was trying to make a city and i still needed about 20 clusters. can we get walls added to be longer? 2) I'm also wondering if you could actually have clusters of NPC…