I've gotten that bug multiple times across several characters when trying to tear through CT to burn AD bonus. What I was told to do, and it works for me, is to ask someone in PE or an adventure zone to invite you to a group. You accept the invite then leave the group. Then try to queue. Always works for me. If it doesn't…
It's happened to me several times. Common glitch. Easiest solution I was told, and it works, is ask someone outside of the queue to invite you to a group, then accept invite and turn around and leave the group. Then queue. Should be solved. Ps: if you say in chat why you need an invite, some helpful soul will usually toss…
The new way to get rad is nice and all, but what happens when you get thrown into dungeons or skirmishes outside the group? Had that happen 4 times now which means I get no rad for completion.
Yeah. That is one of the more idiotic ideas for AD that I've seen. I bounce from character to character to invoke and if you only have a certain amount of time to use the bonus, then I'd have to stay on the character. It takes 4 hours to do all invoking chances and if you spread it across multiple characters it's…
So I just re-downloaded and installed the game and it works ok. However, when I invoke, no AD's show up. I've been out of the loop for a week while on vacation, did the new update do away with rough AD or is this a bug?
Someone with more experience could probably answer this better but with my limited knowledge I'd say the water weapons. I've only hit 3 of the EE zones (DS, RR, SR) and ds has always been more populated and has easier heroics. I guess fewer people would make catching the lesser heroics easier in that you don't have to…
I strongly dislike people who buy their way to level cap/endgame content. Have since my EQ days. I couldn't count the times I'd run in to people who didn't know how to handle their characters because they didn't take the time to learn them. Side note, I knocked out the water motes over the weekend right quick. Had a bunch…
Thankfully I already knew the merchant epic was broken. Tried doing it once as part of the optional quest to finish X amount of heroics for the Zhentarim agent. Been just stick with Ambush, and Ranger Rescue if I can't get an invite to crabs. Have gotten up to 11/100 and only used 1 charge.
I can personally attest that it's easier to solo some campaigns as a gwf than it is as a cw. My lvl 68/1400-something il gwf has waltzed through the first 5 chapters of the campaign with Pwent (forget the name) and the Drowned Shore Section of the EE campaign while my lvl 70/1500+ il cw hasn't gotten nearly that far.
I'm running a wireless router and am on brighthouse lightning 300 internet. Just checked my ping rate again and it averaged 28.09 ms so I don't think the problem is here.
Oh it's neverwinter. I can be tooling along just fine and then the lag etc hits. And I know it's not me because I can play bf, madden, or gta all online with no issues on my ps4 and WoW from my laptop from the same area. Never lags on any of those.
Deudermont may be dead, but I'd like to see Robillard. He was a fun character, survived the fall of Luskan, and we know wizards can find ways to live centuries.
I've played pretty much all the major mmorpg's going all the way back to UO (probably showing my age with that one) and belonged to a hardcore raiding guild on EQ for years so I'm used to wiping. Took a trip to Drowned Shores last night and it was so easy compared to the high level cult mobs so I'll probably stick with EE…
Have only done the three introductory quests for EE that gave you the better armor when I hit 60. I've been concentrating on armor piercing and crit chance. Read somewhere where AP was important for higher end mobs so I built around that. Think I'm around 46% resistance ignored on that stat. Should I maybe switch out some…
Not in a guild. Spammed a message asking for help for about 30 minutes plus today with no luck. Will try again over the weekend and then give it up until later.
Seems to me that this is an issue with the CTA events. Happened to me the last event and I couldn't group even after it was over. Then with this newest CTA I tried to do a storyline skirmish on a different toon and wasn't grouped.
I'm having issues in group queues. When queueing up for a pick up group, I'll be in the instance but not grouped. It's happened on three of my characters so far. It's rather annoying because I miss out on loot rolls.
Any ideas why they're not showing up as in my group? As a pally I like to keep tabs on group health, especially if we lack a cleric, so I can heal if need be.