Many player have plague fire, terror,bronzewood and some skill making dr useless so deflect is the best thing in this game nobody can brake this . I think this is a big buff on this feat, i dont want to be a **** but just see what useles feats another class have compare this to the dc ...
On preview HR is so OP i play as DC with 39k hp 50 Dr and 31% deflect and with hr i die in 5 sec split shot shot me for 15k so this is so wrong, only hr be the most op class in pvp .
I saw some synergy dc and i think thats they are usseles, only you can heal something but this is not much, i have some fights with your squad and you ussualy die at one max two our gwf combo so dc is OP nerf ....Compare to hr or gwf we are like a willager vs immortal xd
Dc can heal because he have miracle healer set but when they put hd to this set dc will be nothing in pvp . So play as a dc witchout this set and try to heal someone . So dc need total rework. Im pretty good dc with perfects and 10 enchantments so i know what i say.