Our build is similar :) Damage Resistance 54% Recharge Speed 24% Action Point Gain 41% Deflection Chance 26% Critical 11% 30k HP Not sure if i should use Stalwart Bulwark set for full tank build. Maybe i lose some stats but i get a lot of Power...
I have my spot in pvp to :) i know what to do. Got nice win rate in pvp. And in PVE im a tank not a DPS class. Ofc i need rank 7 8 runes, enchants to make it better. Im not using real money.
+1 dartakx Im using this set and stacked a lot of Defense and recovery, i use for PVE: -Into the Fray -Enforced Threat -Knight's Valor Protector and Tactician Paragon. Got: Damage Resistance 54% Recharge Speed 24% Action Point Gain 41% Deflection Chance 26% Critical 11% 30k HP There is no problem with agro and…
Yesterday i had same problem :) near mail box. I had Divine Emissary on me and lost 500 GS, when i moved away from mail box i got it back. Divine Emissary is removing GS
Fix plz this bug.... Did today Spellplague DD and 2 times i needed to relog to fix that spell ( could not active it) and ofc i lost my CHEST on end. Ty 90 min waste of time. EDIT: again today.... When we played DD and time was over so i could not relog. And played w/o Valor. EDIT: again today :) I only played 1h and this…
I only say BYE BYE my AD income :) But there is still PVP daily reward 4k AD, and Foundry 4k AD... U need like 2-3h for 8k AD not so bad. And u can buy for that AD almost 1 enchantment, rank 2 at NPC shop. I say bad idea.
Thanks all I think i go for Plague Fire enchantment, i dont have a lot of damage to use lifedrinker. I focused on defense, deflect and recovery stats. Im doing really good in dungeons but i want make it even better.
Yesterday i did a Spellplague run with a pre made party in town and it was very good run. We died only when mobs pushed us down :) Im GF tank build, and DC was very good to. Used maybe 5 max pots. And yes if DC is bad its rly hard to tank all the mobs....
*Started some quest and entered cave (21:45) *Game started to patch (speed 1 KB/s) *After 30 mins i got in that cave and left it to play DD *Queue for Dungeon (joined party and got that stupid bug) *Relog and join dungeon (got disconnected when i entered) *Cant enter game i get disconnected on login screen *Close game and…
People report bugs every day but they dont care to fix them... Now i played a Dungeon and Knight's Valor worked only on me... Its fu****g random every time.... GF is usless class and with broken spells even more. But i can see soon new Zen items in shop and no fixes. And yesterday i could not even active it :D