My TR build is very similar to yours , I only recently switched back to a pvp spec rogue and I have to say I'm very happy that I have a very similar build which suggests i'm on the right track. I just thought I would go through some of the differences and perhaps improve both of our builds. Have you considered using the…
As a TR who mainly does PvE but dabbles in PvP I feel like SE should respect DR and Tenacity and have its damage bumped up a hell of a lot because currently SE does less than Lashing Blade in PvE.
Is there any way the events can be altered so that they benefit people who live in less optimal time zones where its difficult for us to take part in the event? I live in Australia and I don't really feel like getting up at 2am to take part in something that occurs at a perfect time for other people. That's for the 26/12 double RP, I havn't seen anything for the 29/11 double RP though so I am guessing a dev made some kind of error with the calendar
Yes well its certainly my main upset from these changes, prior to this module TR was one of the best classes for single target but now were fall behind CWs for single target but trump CWs in AoE
You humor me and I completely agree but its not just because of PvPers that SoD got "fixed" so quickly it truly was incredibly overpowered and unlike the current zerg fests with 20+ people they were going down in a matter of seconds with a couple of TRs. On the note of dealing more damage, in dungeons like CN yes they are…
I skimmed over it and I think I got the key ideas, I like your idea with the armor pen but I think there is an easier approach, a class power (so not a class feature that you have to slot) that gives TRs say 20% more damage to bosses but also give it to HRs because they certainly need it. Also another idea of mine is that…
Yeah and adding to the point I made above, TRs are squishier, melee and have less control not to mention the way the feat works and the tooltip doesn't line up so regardless SoD needs to be fixed
SoD is not WAI and as a result TR has single target damage that is in situations worse than Pre-Mod 5 TR. Please try to be honest, don't exaggerate it just makes things harder.
Well from what I know (which isn't much) its only really a 10 minute job to change a little bit of code and fix the thing. With that in mind I expect it will take 1-2 months hence why I made this thread
I have played TR for almost 12 months, always being the underdog but always giving it my best shot and It would be a lie if I said I didn't thoroughly enjoy doing the most damage even if it only lasted 2 days. Everyone has abused a bug whether aware of it or not because there are so many **** bugs in this game TRs…
This game hasn't been alt friendly for a long time buddy As for the drop rate, do HEs, try to kill 10 dragons or more during the dragon event. I normally get great success on all dragons and get a dragon hoard coffer every couple of dragons. I got over 33 in a day. I knew I needed the 25 by the end of the day so I was…
Draconic set is additive, for me it gave around 12% damage increase. Re: Red Glyphs "I know the red one would give me more damage but because half the passive is being wasted its just not worth it to me" The red glyphs cost far more than any other so I can't bring myself to use them. Re: ToD boon, I already have the…
Heres my list Erinyes Angel of protection (More of a defensive one) Augment (The Mod5 black dragon stone would be the best) Lightfoot theif Fire Archon (Good synergy with executioner tree and shocking execution in mod 5) Some other mod 5 options Repentant Dragon Cultist +2/?/?% Damage (additional 1% against dragons)…
I used to draconic set this module over the swash (because I couldn't be stuffed getting the swash) and I found that the defensive stats that it gets over the swash are useless in the end game dungeons. So I think swash would have been a better choice for single target dps, for party dps I don't really know it hasn't been…
Well it looks like artifact equipment is worth 1/5 of the total RP and its worth double when put into the same type of equipment so you could wait till a double RP event to change to a new artifact weapon where you will get 4/5 of the refinement done with your old weapon which would lighten the blow of not being able to…
You're right I completely forgot about the 2/4 bonus for the Swashbuckling and it does make me think swashbuckling could still be the best PvE armor set. I personally prefer the idea of the Draconic Templar set (aside from the ArP and Regen) the set bonus to me seems like It would be quite helpful for a party especially in…
Yes well its why I said it was bias because I knew somebody would try to call me out about it. Unfortunately it just shows me that you ignored the key message of the thread and that is that PvE TRs are getting too much ArP out of our BiS gear which will then limit our choices on other gear which it shouldn't because as far…
The crappy new set also reduces the damage than enemies to by 10% and with a 25 man dungeon that's actually going to help a tonne. Also this crappy set has overload slots which give a hell of a lot of bonuses. Also a funny thing to note here, profound has WAY more ArP so if a rogue had artifact weapon/offhand and the ArP…
Well if you had a look at the new set you might realize that the new set is most likely going to be one of the best sets for a TR because of its set bonus is most likely going to help the party a lot and its going to have considerably more stats than previous sets. I also it seems you didn't even read the initial post, it…
You're still telling me I did a wrong gear choice? What are you even saying here sir i would love for you to elaborate since this is the first post in this thread regarding gear choice. What set do you run on your TR? Is your TR PvE or PvP? Did you maybe consider that there was a reason I put M5 gear in the post? You say…
We are talking about end game TRs, ones who will be geared enough to run through the hardest dungeons in the game. With everything I have said here and assuming that they are using the latest gear won't NEED to sacrifice anything to get more armor pen because there is so much so readily available just from the gear which…
I mentioned in a previous reply that this hypothetical TR wants damage. Yeah sure you could cut back on the 450 ArP from boons to get some mild buffs to defense (3% deflection severity would make me 0.75% tanker (No direct impact on damage) vs 250 ArP) . Now the concern I was trying to address here is that according…