Been broken for entire Beta. You couldn't find anything fast on the AH to save your life. Best bet is to know the exact name of the items you would like to buy. The Broker is bullshut. They don't want you to make any Astral Diamonds, they want you to buy them with out of pocket cash. Pusses me off to not want to play the…
Intelligence-test for Barbarians Procedure: You place a small, black thumbtack near him (ideally on his shoulder) point and call: “Watch out – a horsefly!!!” Depending on his reaction you can judge his intelligence: a) He notices immediately, that you are pulling his leg > very intelligent (11-12) - for barbarians genius!…
Can we get more forms of currency in this game, AD, all the tokens from all the map areas to trade for worthless HAMSTER, Tarmalune Trade Bars, Glory, Zen, Ardent Coins, Celestial Coins, Seals, gold, silver, copper, etc. :mad: All the same things gold, silver, and copper could do! Add Zen to make a profit and you're done.…
The Auction House in this game is the worst ever!!! Search don't work, noone does a buyout. Does anything ever sell??? I search for a level range and it gives me all levels, wth??? Also can we get more forms of currency in this game, AD, all the tokens from all the map areas to trade for worthless HAMSTER, Tarmalune Trade…
Agreed This kind of thing happens a lot in my mail and it always happens from the auction house items that either did or didn't sell. Would be nice if it were fixed ASAP. I usually collect everything before deleting as that's when the duplicate mails start coming in. I have also had my subjects for mails changed around…
Would be nice to see some battlegrounds or something more than the skirmish mode for some D&D roleplaying PvP. Right now there is domination and like a couple maps. How about capture the flag or something with tasks to do in order to beat the other team while player versus player killing?:p
We need some different looking armors for all the classes, instead of these small cosmetic changes every 2 levels or so. WoW does this better, you don't have to compete or copy, just give us more choices and some rares along the way. Let us pick and choose what to wear, after all we are role-playing. I'm tired of wearing…
There should be a thief variant which steals hence the name, so create a thief class take away something like decoy and add steal. Create a seperate loot table for stealing and reward with coin or items. Failure would result in getting caught and the battle is on, maybe with penalties for failing like how the cleric has…
I agree with Righteousness sucks, let's get it removed! How can a healer not be awesome at healing? Come on its like "I don't know how to heal myself, but on someone else, yeah I can do that! Or "I don't know the first thing about healing, but healing you, yeah I can heal you." "I'll keep you healed so that I can draw all…