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  • Disappointing set of changes as a whole. Block'll still be HAMSTER in t2 as 10% more of breaking in seconds won't effect much. It's still basically useful to block a controlling/damaging effect you can't get out of cause you're so bloody immobile. Most of the feats and passives are still trash and 35% extra threat still…
  • Yep, that shows the problem pretty well. If you showed yourself moving at full speed with block up, including backpedlling as well it'd show most of what's happening :).
  • IIRC Marking something causes you to generate +100% threat from all sources (basically healing and damage) on that target as long as it is marked. Enhanced mark increases that to +133/166/199% threat on marked targets AND you passively generate additional threat on any marked target even if you're not healing or damaging…
  • I think you can get them from the 5 celestial coin bag as one source.
  • That joke made me die a little inside :)
  • Human is a decent choice for every class cause of the 3 extra heroic feats :)
  • It's not about whether GFs can be useful, or you can clear dungeons with them, it's just that it's easier and quicker not to take them along. You can faceroll through dungeons with DCx2 CWx2 TRx1. You finish quicker and it's easy. Put in a GF or GWF and it takes longer and you are more likely to fail basically. A few ppl…
  • It's because of the FTP model basically. Gold is for consumables and not much else. It's rarely used in trade between players despite ppl spamming the hell out of PE chat trying to buy stuff for gold. Astral diamonds are the in game currency for trade between players and buying interesting items from the game itself…
  • My client saying I have block up and the server saying I don't is exactly what's happening (to me and lots of people). I have zero lag or rubber banding, all my abilities fire responsively and had no problem with blocking before they "fixed" people exploiting client side control of block. It's NOT that I show as blocking…
  • No it bloody doesn't. You get stuck in a block stance, using block at wills but not bloody blocking. You look like your blocking but take normal damage and get CC'd FACT. you then need to drop out of block and reapply it in order to start blocking, otherwise you can wander around in a block stance forever with it not…
  • Perhaps you should limit yourself to commenting on things you know literally anything about. It's not a latency issue, it's a dirty fast coding fix issue. Block used to be client side but people were using 3rd party code to exploit this fact. As a way of "fixing" it they moved it to a server side function. In doing so they…
  • GF will generally have highest dmg taken and most kills. If you have most dmg the rest of your group is bad basically. Either they are playing bad or your gear is way better than those (like you have a bunch of tenebrous enchants and they don't). Also stats don't take into account control. the easiest way to suddenly boost…
  • Boss fights are very samey. Kill adds as priority, stay out of red circles/boxes. You might also have kill adds before the boss can heal off them I guess but that's still killing adds as priority :). Also exactly what the red circle or box in question does varies, but it's always bad and you always avoid it so whether it's…
  • As far as sample size goes I did a /who 60 4 times a day (spread out) over 7 days. So I guess it's a sample of 2800 lvl 60 characters since it's limited to 100 characters shown. There wasn't a huge variation in percentages of each class across those 28 cuts. For example highest GF was 15, highest GWF also 15. It was the…
  • There aren't several classes that can fill that role though (technically zero tanking classes I guess but that's another issue). In most games Tank numbers are fairly similar to healer numbers, often slightly less because of the way raids are put together but not the best part of 2.5:1. Also you have 5 classes and a…
  • You need to get 1 more level and get threatening rush and make sure enhanced mark is slotted as a passive. It lets you move around marking up adds to generate some agro on them. Also tell your DPS to INSTANTLY focus the mages when they spawn in.
  • All striker type pets are a bit useless because they do bugger all damage. As with all pets they do ok at lower levels because their HP pool is big compared to the dmg they take (assuming you keep that pet out a lot and it's leveling fast) but their dmg is such a pitiful % of dmg a player does you tend to be better off…
  • It's not just agro and blocking activating that's stopping GFs tanking... it's the fact they aren't tanky at all. Block disappears in seconds (literally) in late game content, you take **** near as much damage as every other class except it's easier to dodge area effects when you have a way to move faster rather than…