Hi, I messaged the other poster for your guild that i saw in another thread (sundance), but i'm interested in joining if there is still room. My main is a TR (but I have a few 70s). let me know, thanks!
How come last week the normal server reset ended up being 3+ hours but today the reset is expected to take only 2 hours? I wish you guys were a little more forthcoming with information
I'm on Xbox and obviously things are different but wow, I am completely surprised that influence isn't one of the things barring progression. at SH 10 its like 252k if i remember right. So much..
I was under the impression that we would get a response by this morning. Can someone important please inform us of when to expect that statement? or at least give us a little insight into what's going on? Because it's 12 pacific time right now :/ thx.
I wonder if they will issue some sort of apology along with today's statement. They really ought to, as the last 2 days have alienated a large segment of the playerbase. I think it's only fair that they admit to their blunder, and I think that's what most people want to see before opening their wallets again..
Thought if i took a break, had some coffee, and chilled for a bit I'd feel better about this but nope. I am Still disappointed. I am Still waiting for their response. I am still waiting for them to at least acknowledge that this was not some far off, misplaced expectation of parity between consoles. We were told:* (1) that…
karakla1's post is spot on. if only the nwtrait calculator links worked!! :smile: I would only add two things regarding the executioner tree. First, wicked reminder might also viable depending on your build. Second, and this is just my opinion, but executioner's "un-natural-ness" is what makes it fun and challenging. It…
k nvm apparently it was just me. For anyone else with this problem, after power-cycling you need to sign out of your xbox profile and sign back in. Worked like a charm.
Okay this worked in conjunction with signing out and back into my xbox profile. (Initially it hung at the shard provider screen). Thanks again for the help
Thx for the response i'm also on east coast (PA). I power cycled about 45 minutes ago but I'm giving it another go. Gonna let it sit unplugged for a few extra minutes this time
I can't log in either. getting the same message re. shard provider. No idea what's going on though.. wish they would do a better job of keeping us in the loop
So umm.. i'm getting the impression that the issue is fixed?? (based on the last comment and lack of anything else posted after). But I'm still having trouble logging in. It has said "no shards available" since last night. Anyone else having this problem, or have ideas of how to solve? Thx