well i was thinking of coming back after awhile. now i know im never coming back .this change just HAMSTER neverwinter. im not doing it anymore. im sick of all this money grabbing HAMSTER they like to pull constantly.
go watch vergeten and then tell me how terrible the class is. is it in need of buffs? yes. is it useless and so bad it cant be used? far from it. learn your class first.
its sooooo easy to get into the top 1k. so easy. im not joking either. run with some friends esp a tank or something and hide behind them while dpsing and youll wipe teams very well.
i need to get my sw to 70 then lol because then i can get a free mount XD getting to top 50 pages is the easy part. esp with sw.i know i know you guys think it sucks. but watch vergetens videos hes a cw named lili and owns pretty good.
lol have you even seen him play? he is near bis gwf who owns everyone and is in purple dragons. prob pretty high up on the ncl leaderboard also. you should think before you start talking HAMSTER. if hes such a bad player then 1v1 him WITHOUT a pally. pally's are op stop pretending its not just because you play it.
do you seriously think its so hard to make artifact equipment pvp reward-able? im positive its not. make it able to be bought with 60k glory and increase the cap simple.
you have this problem of putting words in others mouths. im getting tired of it. i cannot name a discussion you havnt used that sentence in. you have asked for every class to be nerfed all in one mod. im not kidding look at your post history. you cry and cry because you apparently lack skill to kill anything. learn 2 play…
thats actually an amazing idea but it would have to be a pretty high amount of damage compared to how much terror and vorpal and feytouched increases your damage already. it would also remove a armor enchants and add another weapon enchant which we dont need.
no actually im a dps cw and i disagree with elven battle. i mean im not bitching to nerf it yet because i havnt actually seen it make a substantial appearance in pvp yet like negation did. but so far what i have seen is already near immortal dc's become completely immortal.
He just wants all classes but his to be useless. Look at his post history. also he assumes everyone is a enemy noob who doesn't have a brain and will call you that too. I would stop trying you'll never teach this illiterate jerk.
and i support you for doing so. but it doesnt mean no nerf is needed. i think the pally is way more op at the moment than tr though not trying to derail just sharing my opinion.