Thanks! :smile: it worked now. The problem was, I think, his bind command has tar only in his guide and yours is tarE. Also, I have to type /alias setE "alias tarE target {}" every time I restart the client or it won't work, I didn't type that the first time, only put the alias command in the text file. So this makes me…
No, I didn't. I typed in exactly like in your example except with my keybind E, or P and it's not working for me, it returns that error message. :( I'll try again later but I don't know what I'm doing wrong for it not to be working.
Hello rjc, are you sure the alias for the hardtargetlock is still working as said in your guide? I get unknown command error when I type /setE "playername". everything else seemed to work, just that final one doesn't. Any thoughts and help? I have commandaliases.txt in the right folder with the right code line written in…
Thanks for this guide! The GWF discord link is the same as the OP one and sends you to Palaland, you might want to correct that for this one :
Same problem here. Pilgrim set bonus buff is not proccing: I sent 2 tickets, contacted french CM and a week later it's still not fixed. I messaged nitocris83 today about this issue.
Nailed it. If I see the whole team going to home node to cap at the beginning I just thank and go afk at the campfire until the match is over after I get smashed in mid, even if both teams were roughly even.
Also, if you are fishing/sailing and enter into any dungeon/skirmish, your daily power column bar gets a weird iron-like armor on top of it, covering the AP bar completely.
I have to agree with you, if a full team wears those pants + boons the ability to move or do anything for the other team will be severely impaired. Why don't the pants follow the CC immunity rule and add stacks until they become ineffective? Maybe removing altogether like you've suggested is not the best option but I think…
My thoughts exactly. I did some PvP and everything was going fine until I met the perma-daze pantsus. Such an irony after all that has been said and promised about Control immunity.
Ow, great! Thanks. That's what happens when you don't read all the posts of 59 pages of posts, you repeat stuff that has already been said and is no longer relevant. Sorry for that.
The Tiamat heads still don't show up if a player attacks a head moments before it should rise, disabling the whole instance from completion because it bugs and never shows up after that. Bump to this major issue!
You have to complete a quest called Secrets of the Cocoon to get the talisman. I believe it is in Bryn Shander. My alts also need it, I had to ask around until I found how to get the item and they haven't got that quest yet. It's more than just the intro quest to unlock SKT campaign sadly. Patch notes…
The alliance title hasn't been fixed yet. Also, sometimes it ticks the "Use Alliance title" for us. I don't want to use the alliance title when it shows the name of a guild that isn't mine. Not sure if it has been signaled but I thought I would give it a bump.
This might be the case, I have 1x legendary companion only and I didn't see any significant stat drop. They look the same to me, maybe I lost 2-3k power when bondings proc, that's about it.
No no - I was saying selling accounts is forbidden because for one, you, the creator of the account, are supposed to be the only user of it. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I should've quoted the last question only.
It would be considered going against TOS. "4.7 Your Account may only to be used by you." This sentence is clear enough and does not provide any grey areas of interpretation. EDIT: I just noticed... "may only to be used by" is that even gramatically correct ?
Oh cool! I played MTG long time ago, 4th/Ice Age and a bit of 5th edition. I stopped playing soon after Mirage came out, and I bought few years ago Duels of the Planewalkers on Steam cheap (around 2€) just to revive the feeling and learn a little about new abilies and combos. I will definitely try this game out if it's…
I think what might happen is the system only takes into account the boons you have currently active on your character. It's not having the boons unlocked that will make your character stronger, it's the power they give when you wear them. About the PvP matchmaking-system, pets can be a problem to accurately evaluate the…
It was to me a pleasant surprise to see Nikostratos and Dark Legion of Peace being part of the alliance I am in. Looking forward to play with you all in this new aggregation of players.