I almost downed 2 rogues at once. When I've died they had like 5-10% of hp both. What killed me is the rogue ranged daily. I probably dodged it 1 sec too early, otherwise, I would have killed both and success a [2 rogues vs 1 mage]. The secret is simple, you need to practice. You need to dodge in the right time and do your…
My Level 60 PvP Set Up Mouse 1 : Storm Pillar (AoE at-will) Mouse 2 : Ray of Frost (Frost Enemies is very useful) Tab : Chill Strike (With Oppressor Last Feat, you Frost them Faster with Ray of Frost After the Use of Chill Strike) + (Instant Frost 1 sec) + (Good AoE Damage) Q : Repel (Very Helpful to Push Them out of Tower…
critical strike is a % of your power, so if your power is low, there is no point of being pure critical striker. Plus, there is a passive that give your critical strike for X seconds.
If WoW is died, it's because of bad decision of their Devs and Producers.. Go Panda and Pet battle. If NW listen their players and update the game to make it better, it can survive a long long time.