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  • My entry for the Foundry "Tyranny of Dragons" contest is called "The Followers of the Scaly Way" Short Code = NW-DFKI73F3N Author = @Dovian Type = Combat / Story Duration = 40 minutes (approximately) Difficulty = Easy to Medium (Final fight is tough) Soloable = Yes I based the quest off of information (first mention of the…
  • Thank you for running my campaign. I have sent you a PM with my review of your campaign to avoid any spoilers. Thanks again,
  • The quest was a bit long running solo, but I enjoyed it. The combat got a little dicey at times, but overall the combat was balanced. You did a great job with FX and the design of your rooms was superb. The only issue I noticed was the Giant in the final encounter was a little below the floor plane and when I jumped to him…
  • The Green Zone was awesome! This is a unique quest with a lot of charm and re-play-ability. It was very well thought out and the design was outstanding. I found myself squirming in my chair every time I had to make a jump. I loved the acronyms (very funny). I also got a huge kick out of the results of using GAZER (no…
  • Thanks a bunch for reviewing my campaign and for the feedback and suggestions. I thought the appearance of Zarafin mid way through the convo would look weird, but I intended it to be him following the player through the portal. Maybe I'll add an FX to better deliver that idea. I've taken note of the other points you made…
  • Thanks for reviewing my quest. I was thinking about adding a little more to that map....foliage, roaming (non-combat animals), and such. I had to log earlier, but I will get to your quest tonight, or at the latest tomorrow night. Thanks Again, ***EDIT*** I ran your quest and reviewed.
  • I know the amount of work that goes into creating Foundry quests and I appreciate all efforts that the authors make. I responded to Wushin's post while I was angry. I do not discourage ANYONE from uploading their creations, as I have found myself playing more Foundry quests than actual game content. This, however will…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Neverwinter Forum Rules of Conduct ~Moderation Team
  • The wife and I just finished your quest and I took note of a few things. A few things you should consider looking into; 1. The sky really needs some attention. When you get to the upper levels you can see the ground plane and there is a gap between the ground and the sky. 2. There is no respawn point (campfire) so when we…
  • Mine published when this whole thing started, but I can't play them live.
  • Same is happening to me and my wife. I just published updates to my campaign and now I can't pick them up live. I also received some "GS read" error. I'm glad I had a long weekend to work on my Founry quests..../facepalm
  • Wow, and I was going to start QQ about 17 hours.
  • Here is the answer to the Sticky question, although I agree that it should remain Stickied.
  • Thank you for running my quest. Unfortunately most of the work put into my maps will never been seen. I have the barracks and stables detailed but if you don't explore you won't see them. I also had my brewery nicely done, but again, it is an exploration thing. I'll work on some more ideas for detail. My wife and I ran…
  • Thank you for reviewing my quest. I will fix the issues you noted later this evening and re-publish. My wife and I ran and reviewed your quest. She likes the cute and funny quests and enjoyed this one. She loved the opening conversation. I have my limits on cute and funny, but this quest had just the right amount and kept…
  • Thank you for the review. I will fix the issue later tonight. I played and reviewed your quest. My wife rated it but didn't review it (sorry about that). I like your approach with the narrative story telling. You seem to have a natural talent for writing. I read through all of the optional story segments and enjoyed them.…
  • I started my publishing attempt at 3 pm my time and it wasn't up until 10 pm my time. EWWWW!
  • Ok, I try not to get mixed up in controversial matters as I have a tendency to ride the fence when there are valid arguments on both sides, but this topic has good points on both sides. I will make a comparison to illustrate my stance. I use a program called iClone (primarily used for animated movie making) and I have…
  • I make the quests because I have a blast creating them and if the players enjoy them....well that's just a nice bonus.
  • Are you just saying that because you saw the lamp....Brick? Can't wait for the sequel :)
  • I might....might do a Succubus in a sewer encounter, but definitely not a giant fish :)
  • Excellent! Thanks a bunch.
  • Thank you for the review. To get the guards to follow you'll have to set their behavior to follow. BTW I made a video of running your quest. http://youtu.be/WGURyuk_abU
  • I just ran your quest and really enjoyed the story and flow of the quest. The encounters were solo friendly and balanced. Great job on your first effort. Keep them coming. I did have one slight dyslexic moment hovering over the word tavern (which I thought at first glance was misspelled), but other than that nothing really…
  • Yeah, that is the one I'm using atm. It isn't that bad and I agree, it is limited.
  • A one time, page 5, 29 views, and no replies bump...
  • Thanks, I'll give it another try. I think I was doing it that way, but the scroll wasn't coming up as a select-able item for the leave from prompt..
  • The DM's Studio is a great resource, but I decided to try something simpler. Well....it's eight hours later and I still can't figure out how to click on an item (specifically, a scroll) and transition to my next map. Any help?
  • Fantastic quest but boy the combat was tough. Not sure if you designed it for multiple players but my level 15 TR died 4 times and I burned through all my pots to finish it. Great Job!!! 4/5 (would've been 5 if i had at least one pot left :p)
  • I'll check out the link and do the DM's studio. If I had an item that is part of an interact with object event, could I use that item to map transition?