Well I will usually stick it out no matter how bad it is, but that attitude changed when I was in a match that was 5x3. I tried my best foolishly, and died a lot and what was my reward? 0 glory. Now if it looks bad early I leave too.
To run a perma-stealth build, and it isn't perma unless the other team is full of idiots, you have to sacrifice a lot of power to pull it off, so they will only kill the under-geared or morons.
Something is really screwy. I was in a PVP match yesterday, a 5 vs. 3. I was on the team with 3 people. One guy stopped playing and just rode on his horse. I at least engaged the other team and got killed 10 times for my efforts, logged 2 kills. So what did I get for sticking it out and at least tried? 0 Glory. I hate…
Yeah this guild only entry garbage sapped my will to play the game. IN a guild with no allegiance, so I played my last neverwinter session last night. later!
There is something weird about skirmishes. I think I outleveled some that I had completed since I was not allowed to do a turn in for them. I abandoned them yesterday hoping i would receive a skirmish daily again but still nothing.
It can't be fixed. The only way to have any effect is within the community. The leavers/afkers should be called out and black listed. Yesterday in zone chat a guy was advertising starting an AFK PVP group in the 50-59 bracket. These type of people don't care about you and me, they are too selfish for that. No change will…
I just don't see why anyone would ever roll need on something they can't use. The problem with the OP and his types, is they always think they are getting screwed over somehow. Applies to everything including life. They will never believe someone who rolls need would ever equip it because they would never equip it…
Something crazy is up with CW's. Some have I have encountered are ridiculously over powered either with shields that never seem to break, or with a CC and one shotting you down like nothing.
I was always a little worried about free to play since it encourages big spenders. I am willing to spend money on a game that I enjoy, but the AD, Zen, Gold system is a little over bearing for me. I don't just throw money around, and this game caters to whales that don't care how much money they spend. I haven't played WOW…
The stealth build is so gimped. They have to slot sinister strike and bait and switch, so that leaves them an at-will and one real damage encounter. So you are getting beat down by an at-will. It's a low DPS harasser build and nothing else. If you are dying to one something is wrong with your gear.
Yeah I got all kinds of crazy problems when trying to buy founders today. First it said a high credit line card was declined, then I tried again like a fool, and now it says that credit card can't be used for this payment.