agreed. A proper queue system implemented in a specific way shouldn't require a suggestion. It has been done in tons of other games. There is no excuse.
I have yet to be outdamaged by another rogue who isn't using the first 2 default skills. So far, all the skills past level 20 suck, but i'm only high 30's at the moment.
I would agree with this if we were actually able to have even 1/2 of the customization for characters as pen and paper has. Instead, we get prefixes on our class names that dictate what type of character it is, along with bogus dice rolls and stat allocations. So as far as I'm concerned, having to pay for re-specs will be…
"Rock paper scissors" is not the proper philosophy to apply to game balance. If you think it is, you obviously have little to no experience actually balancing a game, (or even the correct acknowledgement as to what proper balance is) and should not post in regards to game balance. It is 100% not constructive to lower…