I think you misunderstood me. Scrolls of life used to be a last resort option. Then cradle of the death god and castle ravenloft came in where people died all the time for no reason and completing them was impossible without heavy use of scrolls. I hated that. The new revive sickness sort of fixed this issue but some…
The description of the feat could be interpreted that way but what it really does is it simply increases the extra attack from 30 to 80 magnitude. It doesn't increase your weapon damage at all.
Bronzewood will theoritically have the same effect as vorpal once you reach 300% critical severity. I wouldn't trade vorpal for bronzewood unless you can somehow reach 350% or 400% critical severity.
I agree. It would be about time we could pick the color of our character's underwear. Tieflings (several colors) and Drows (gray and black only) can already "chose" their underwear's color by picking the right preset in character creation. I understand that giving us the ability to disable it is out of the question, or…
The following dye packs can't be opened even on a character with no color unlocked : - Bottle of White Dye - Bottle of Black Dye - Elemental Ember Dye Pack - Crimson Dusk Dye Pack
This isn't confusing at all. Jeff has 30% chance to crit against pachyderms with 15k crit resist. Now if Jeff gets a second ring with "increase your critical strike by 5%", his crit strike will become 40k*1.05=42k and his chance to crit against pachyderms with 15k crit resist will be 32%. It's not so common but it…
I'll try one last time, @"mordekai#1901" . +5000 to Stat = +5% to Chance. +5% to Chance = +5000 to Stat. +5% to Stat ≠ +5% to Chance To answer @darthpotater, +3% whatever damage means that your whatever damage is multiplied by 1.03. It has nothing to do with power and, in fact, it is multiplicative with your power damage…
I think I see your problem now. First, there is no "increase to", it's always "increase by". "Increase critical STRIKE by 5000" and "increase critical CHANCE by 5%" are synonymous but "Increase critical STRIKE by 5%" is completely different. "increase critical CHANCE by 5%" means "add 5% to your current crit chance" which…
Read Noworries' statement again carefully. Critical Strike and Critical Chance are not the same thing. In your example, Victim's Parry would supposedly increase your Deflection rating (not Deflection Chance) by 50% of your current (base?) Deflection. If your current Deflection is less than 5000 you would get less than…
A correct and accurate tooltip would read something like : "Using a daily power gives you Inherit Danger for 15 seconds. Inherit Danger causes your damaging powers hitting targets not facing you to deal an extra attack for 15% of the power's original damage to all enemies in a very large zone around your target." Powers…
I participated in a black ice domination for the first time ever in hope of completing this quest. My team won but the quest didn't update. The heroic encounter "The Remorhaz" in Icewind Pass worked for me.
The list of buffs doesn't mean much. Swordman's Perk (kiuno, heels, rings) appears there only because you can stack it up to twice. AFAIK both terrored grips and fearbringers work just fine. But they aren't "procs" but buffs so you have to compare damage with and without them. Shadowstalker rings also work the same way…
Here are ACT results for a LoMM run with terrored grips. All run At-will damage : Storm Strike & Clear the Ground 17.4% + 3.6% = 21% Daily damage : Call of the Storm 4.6% Trobriand only At-will damage : Storm Strike 27% Daily damage : Call of the Storm 2.6% Now how how much would I gain and lose by replacing terrored grips…
The lightning strikes (called Lightning Enchanted Weapon) do not count as daily damage. Combat logs say encounters deal 50% of all damage at the very least while at-wills 25% at most. So terrored grips are definitely better than fearbringers even if you don't use daily actions at all.
The ones you get from master expeditions are prized shirt/pants of the cult, not spy's guild .... and these are IL 909, not 940 .... and these have very low drop-rate .... and you get a random one instead of picking the one you want from the seal shop But they needed a reason for us to run LoMM, so they purposely left the…
I only queue alone for RLQ and sometimes RIQ. I've seen runs in which I did over 90% of total damage. I've seen bank heist fail because several characters couldn't even scratch the mobs' HP bar. They weren't necessarily bad players, they just couldn't do anything and yet they met the requirements. I've been a noob before,…
Thank god there is vote to abandon. I just hate being added to a failed group, only to fail some more. Vote abandon helps removing these groups. The real problem is the random queue requirements which are much too low and let characters enter the queue with no hope of being of any use to the group.
Black Attire : It is indeed affected by the same glitch as inherit danger, dealing damage to everything in line of sight. However I'm skeptical about it being the best choice. Once the glitch is fixed, it"s gonna be aweful again. Extra attack buffs are bad in general because they don't work with other procs and extra…