The argument isn't for people who use the lfg or legit channels, it's for people who use the queue system to impose their wills. Again, read the entire thread. And again, the argument is you shouldn't have to queue up for a dungeon and then pop in there and reset a rule set that is working just fine. And how often does a…
Again, did I say anything about that, no. Reading is a skill, keep at it and you'll get better. If you queue for a dungeon using the given queue in game, where was the time to decide the loot rules? Please tell me?? If you formed a group and set loot rules before going in, well there it is. Again, please read the entire…
Incorrect, it is in fact you who are saying that the entire player-base should follow a system created by greedy players on a whim, not use what's been given to us in game to upgrade our gear. Go eat something, your blood sugar is low.
What may be considered a waste to you, is not a waste to that person that is actually wearing it. Again, if you're not here to help other players gear up, then don't queue. Simple, discussion over. Use that channel the devs have given you called...Looking for Group, but don't queue for a dungeon and expect someone to…
There is a blanket odd system per game, yes. But depending on how many people are at that table, your odds change. I"m not going to go through the numbers with you, since by your post it tells me that you're not old enough to gamble.
I seem to be making sense to anyone with a brain on the subject, this isn't a new system invented by Cryptic only for Neverwinter. and it's not "RNG and RNG", it's RNG is RNG, before you try to say I'm drunk, make sure you're not talking like a drunken sailor yourself there, cowboy. Now, again, for the simple-minded folk…
Maybe you should try reading all the way through, cause if you got to the bottom of my post you would have read this, here I copied and pasted so it's easier for you. "When I was growing up can you believe we only had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and sometimes the rest of the kids on the field wouldn't get anything but a…
It's been posted several times by several people ad naseaum that they will go back and help lower geared people get loot and not hit the need button, they will in fact hit the greed button. This system is based on honor, a virtue a lot of the community seems to be lacking it seems.
And the entitlement generation strikes again! I'm sorry to have to inform you, but you are unaware of how the system in place works. A group aka a team is a group of people working together to complete a goal. That goal is actually to complete the dungeon not get loot at the end. That is the +1 for completing for that very…
I"m sorry to say, that is on you then. If you feel you are being carried, the best thing you can do is actually need on that item that would be an upgrade for you. So the next time you go in there, you can carry your own weight. I'm sorry that you ran around with demented children, but sadly, that's the population that has…
The amount of entitlement in this thread is staggering....that's really all I can call it. I'm sorry, you do not need to be compensated for your time. This is not a job...where you are in fact compensated for your time. This is a video game. If you believe your time is so valuable in game and deserves to be…