do you readig before starting crashing on me? 80%- you dont. & yep- to nerf healing in pvp (& there only, in pve its as fine as it needed to be allready) will also affect self-healing powers & bonuses for all, not just paladin sigil & "healer classes".... but im betting u dont know that sw & dc got aswell a dps paragons &…
well it hugely depends on your own might & survival potential. Even msp is solo-able for gwf but.... takes about 2 hours... + why you will waste on addit scrolls time & gear-up on char that not performs as both tank & dps= huge question... Normal group runs takes less & more organised (mobs going where they needed & etc).
i can run like crazy chicken on tank aswell (but since gwf sprint remains on mainly dps paragon im better runner on dps),,, but why i must perform such perversion to chase 3 selfish arrogant-ers?
its simple: "mobs arent tough enough so most often dpsers forgot how to run dungeons normal ways & instead making it a race & swearing that tank "not needed anywhere below tomm" what creates quite negative expirience" (translated from english specially for you)
wanna hear cool joke? & better see? they say mobs in any high dunges are tough & strong enough... then HOW im soloing msp on gwf juggernaut? no dmg of dps, no surviveability of proper tank with 0 deaths? In proper balance they should shred me into pieces so il need to look for tank & healer or healer & dps & stop "showing…
Well very often i do hear: 'tanks not needed anywhere outside tomm"... so far cant call myself useless thus hearing that is... strange+ i rarely see groups that stacking together... not matter randoms or even alliance & runners i did saw- even with low stats, charging 100 km ahead- dying (most fun part is in places i can…
" " you must be hell lucky if u got adequate teams much often... mostly its just idiots who charging forward, messing all up, often dying & blaming all on supports. thing happening quite often unfortunately or ild not start this line: big alliances- often the same. "Paingiver goes up- brains going down, were only ones".…
Well they are often dead & most "fun" thing is: even if tank kites mobs door to door,,, dps still somewhy attacking them on the run dropping aggro to themselves. & coolest thing is: they leaving healer behind so tank must decide: to lead flock from door to door to be in tempo or trying to keep healer safe (because soon as…
got same problem actually: all happened when i reloaded client. Rubber hurts pretty hard. cleaned out cash& pc, reloaded router& client multiple times Lowered graphic to minimum. Nothing helps. Still have same trouble (pc). it begann on 26th august& lasts still. Contacted support, but yet no answer.